Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do some christians keep telling atheists to study the bible in their answers to our questions?

Don't they realise that we DO understand the passages we read?

So often it's in response to questions about evolution. Are they prepared to study the information we put forward?

When I suggested that someone read Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" a few weeks ago, I actually got a violation for it. How would they feel if they coped violations for telling us to read the bible?

Why do some christians keep telling atheists to study the bible in their answers to our questions?
If you ask religious questions on the religious board you are going to get answers from our most important point of reference..The Bible

If Christians go to the Science Board, I would expect to get answers from publications such as Cosmos.

In here, we don't believe that stuff to be correct, so we have no need of referencing that point of information.

If I go to the Science Board and ask, I promise I will look up your sources.
Reply:i m not atheist, nor christian (muslim)

but this is the case

when u are talking with people dont know what to say and actually dont have idea about your question.
Reply:Xtans should READ the bible,and then they might start to question the FOLKTALES that is called the bible instead of listening to the preachers who ask for money.
Reply:I suppose I am irritated when people sneer at Christians by taking things out of context or misquoting. I don't think I have ever referred to a bible verse, but it does annoy me when someone appears to quote from the bible to ridicule me, when actually, he's talking nonsense.

A recent question comes to mind when someone asked why Adam was punished if Eve ate the fruit - therefore Adam was innocent. All you can say in that case is : Read the Bible.

As for the evolution thing - people ask ridiculous questions basing their arguments on misrepresentations of the bible. And again, you feel as though you have to defend yourself from attack. If people are going to use the bible in their support of their beliefs, either for or against Christians, they should know what they're talking about.

I don't understand the violation - that is beyond me. Sounds petty.
Reply:It's funny because when i finally broke off from being catholic, at age sixteen, it was mostly because I actually did read the whole bible and understood all that happened in that book. In fact, I highlighted the whole bible with the contradictions and insanities mentioned within it. It took me until i was 19 , but it was worth it because my mom stopped bothering me about how I'm going to hell. To me, the bible is a work of art not a guidbook to enlightenment!


and catholics are (or should be) in favor of evolution because the pope himself even says it could be possible.

and this is from a catholic website! So don't tell me I'm biased!
Reply:Fundamentalists like to tell people what to do.

It gives them a nice smug feeling.
Reply:Quite frankly I don't know why atheists want to ask Christians anything sin ce they do not share the same beliefs and have no desire to believe what we say anyway. There is something to be said for segregation .
Reply:Because Christians have no proof for their reasoning beyond the Bible. They fail to understand that many Atheists have indeed read the Bible and looked at things in a logical manner and have realized that this god does not exist. Being an Atheist the last place we need to be told to look is in a book supposedly containing the words of a being we don't believe in in the first place. It's a religious "Catch-22" isn't it?
Reply:Some of these answers remind me of Titus 1:10-14

10 For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11 They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12 One of Crete's own prophets has said it: "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." 13 He has surely told the truth! Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.

I think the apostle Paul's point was that, in saying "always", they were including themselves.
Reply:Start doing likewise, but it will be the end of this forum. We must be above the christian extremists.
Reply:Because they cant handle a good reasonable argument?

If we generalize, but there are some good examples.
Reply:I always like to see how much atheists covet believers. You just cant seem to stay away. I guess that is the first step. I guess everybody has their own path to faith. good luck!
Reply:You don't expect theists to act rationally do you? Not really their thing.
Reply:Who did you get a violation from?

They say that because there is nothing else that they CAN say! They read it and believe it. It upsets them that you do not. They need constant validation of their beliefs because they are weak.

adult teeth

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