Monday, November 16, 2009

Bible Study?

does anybody know a website or a book or just a suggestion for a Bible reading guide that I could do nightly devotions that will help focus my life on God and his will? %26amp; that will help me grow in my faith?

Bible Study?
Dear signbeauty,

Some good website are: (there are a lot of devotionals you can read on there).

I also like:

*My Utmost for His Highest (by Oswald Chambers).

*Charles Swindoll has a lot of good devotionals as well.

Hope that helps.

If there is a favorite pastor you have on the radio, they often have websites and a lot of Calvary chapels have publications with devotionals.



trust me,you wont be disappointed.
Reply:This site is very good. It shows you how to read the Bible then goes about doing that. God Bless You on your journey =)


Reply:LaVerne W has said it the way I would
Reply:Do LOTS of investigating, and DON'T accept someone's view. The bible says that God draws the honest hearted ones out, and if you are serious you WILL find answers. He knows what's in your heart...and after years of studying, etc, I found that Jehovah Witnesses (look in the phone book for info) will study with you...and altho they are hated by churches (But Jesus said His followers would be hated, %26amp; persecuted, just as he was) they try to follow the bible w/o all men's teachings which have led to SO much confusion. ALWAYS research..why, %26amp; how, %26amp; when did some teaching come into play......
Reply:Kay Arthur is a great Women's Study teacher. She has 40 minute BIble Studies - but you can do those over the course of the week if you want to. Beth Moore has great studies. She has DVDs and daily homework. Great for a Bible Study of 4 or more. Priscilla Shirer has some good studies, too, a little lighter than Beth and Kay. I've done all of Beth's studies and have found so much about myself and my life. I have learned so much through Kay's teachings. I have learned a great deal more in Priscilla's teaching as well. All three are great! katiefish %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:What Nickster said!
Reply:john macarthur's drawing near...
Reply:I recommend
Reply:I have studied my bible, and I have determined that it is a leather-bound gold trimmed waste of time.
Reply:Yes, If you would like I will send you a new Bible. It will be " The New World Translation" it is written in modern day english so you can understand the scriptures better than trying to understand the old 1610 King James Version.

I will also send you a Bible aid to help you understand the parables, illustrations, the wild beast and what they mean, scriptures that are not to be taken literal, and the meaning of the two seeds at Gen 3:15.

Sincerely yours,

Fred and katie Hunter

try these. God speed!
Reply:Write Jim Purcell at He'll steer you right. Tell him Max sent you.

One thing I did recently was read a NT chapter over two nights. The first night I just really got into it. Pondered it. The second night I wrote on a sheet of paper, first, of course the chapter, then a preferably one sentence title for it.

Then a one sentence main point, or most important point. If an important aspect of the gospel was in the chapter, I usually wrote that down for the main point. (But a one sentence main point really worked me, trying to get the whole chapter of something already perfected by God, into one sentence.)

Then I would write a half a page to a one page summary in my own words of the chapter. I now have, essentially, my own commentary on the NT.

I forced myself to do it, even if I was tired, or felt unworthy, having driven a wedge between God and myself. It was a real blessing to make sure I did it every night. Pushing through the hard times made me feel better, and strengthened my love of reading scripture.

God bless.
Reply:Our Daily Bread from Radio Bible Class


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