Monday, November 16, 2009

Where can I find a list of code of ethics for Bible study leaders and counselors?

I used to belong to a small Bible study. I had shared some personal problems with my Bible leader privately and requested that she not say anything to anyone. I discovered to my horror that she told other people at church. Some people approached me and some even went to my parents and told them things I did not want them to know. As a result, I confronted the leader. She apologized, but I have dropped out of the bible study. I would like to give her a list of code of ethics she should be following, because she is studying to be a counselor as well.

Where can I find a list of code of ethics for Bible study leaders and counselors?
I think people who are affiliated with a church aren't required to have any ethics. Sadly, the situation you described seems common to Christians - they think anything they do is okay, if they can justify it by saying something like, "God put a burden on me to tell other people your private business."

My advice? If you want counseling, find a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW.) They ARE bound by a code of ethics.
Reply:I would say the Bible might be a good place to start.
Reply:Scripture says one of the names and office of the holy spirit is "counselor".You have an unction where by you have "no need" for people to teach,counsel,etc.Have your vertical relation be number one,not people relationship.Confess your sins to god yes,your fellowship with people is to be with the mind set that grace is greater then sin,love covers many sins,god is married to the back slider,and no one is "lilly white".There are no "big You and little I" in the body of christ.All are equal.Jesus is the head of the body.5 levels of relationship,and don't say anything to anyone if you believe it cannot be repeated in public.
Reply:They don't have one. Only professions licensed and regulated by state or federal government have listed code of ethics and most of those people violate them on a regular basis.
Reply:1Timothy Chapter 3 and Titus 1:6-9

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