Friday, November 20, 2009

Should teaching the scientific method in schools be replaced with a course in Bible study?

No, but if current White House administration and the conservatives backing him have their way it might happen.

Should teaching the scientific method in schools be replaced with a course in Bible study?
No save that for mythology class.
Reply:How about Qur'an study, or Dhammapada study, or Veda study? Still in the mood to replace science with religion?
Reply:Nope and they've already succeeded to some extent in Kansas. They've voted to have ID taught in their schools.
Reply:No---they each have their own values and merits and do complement each other....there's lots of scientific knowledge in the Bible and many great scientists in the past like Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur and others were inspired to explore insights from the Bible. Early American schools were instituted to enable people to read their Bibles.
Reply:too early for that
Reply:LOL. I would then start agreeing with the paranoid, last dayers...the world would definitely be going to hell in a handbasket.

Oh, and I would be moving immediately to Canada.
Reply:Church and home are the place for bible study.
Reply:HELL NO!!!
Reply:A discovery in mistranslation of scripture in the Bible will lead to teaching God's new scientific course in evolution right out of Genesis and will prove over time Charles Darwin's version of evolution wrong just as the germ theory proved the spontaneous generation theory wrong in science classes in both public and private schools.
Reply:I don't think scientific method is really taught at all, except maybe as a minor add-on to a science course.

I've love to see some kind of foundation in rational thought taught - something including logical fallacies and the scientific method. I think it would really change the world if it was taught and understood.
Reply:Do you even know what the Scientific Method is? Let me help you, it is a "The scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses". You can use the scientist method on research, yes even on the study of religion and faith.

Jeez, I thought atheist were suppose to be smart but this is a dumb question. Try again.
Reply:That is silly. Should music be replaced with French..Two different subjects. I love both. You don't replace math with English..They are all part of the knowledge you need to be a well educated person.
Reply:Any study requires someone with accurate knowledge.

Since there is so much we disagree on, from where would you qualify a teacher?

I agree with another of the answers. Bible study belongs in the home primarily and church as an alternative, though less accurate in many.
Reply:What do you think I'm gonna say?

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