Monday, November 16, 2009

Why are some Christian faiths against women teaching bible study?

Someone I know from the Church of Christ is constantly telling me how other Christian faiths are wrong in particular areas of worship.

Why are some Christian faiths against women teaching bible study?
There are problems in every denomination. And my Church has Christian Ladies teach bible studies.

God doesn't have a problem with it, so why should I? Jesus even gave them the ministry they are in. They are Great Women of Faith.
Reply:Because the Apostle Paul said that he would not allow women to teach, or otherwise have spiritual authority, over grown men (1 Timothy 2:12, for example). So we simply do what the Bible says. Isn't that the whole point of Bible study?
Reply:Some take Paul's writings to specific churches, at a specific time in history, to apply to all at all times. As you can see, many of us don't.
Reply:Paul wrote several misogynistic statements in his New Testament writings, and the Church of Christ is an extremely literal-minded group of people. They believe that it's wrong for women to teach adult males.

I personally think they're full of %26amp;%$#, but if they want to believe that sort of thing, they're free to do so. I was married to a guy from the Church of Christ for 27 years, and the things they say about women are laughable; by the time we'd been married three or four years, I had simply quit going to church with him altogether. It's a very bad place for any woman with ANY self-respect.
Reply:They get caught up in the religion part again and forget that it's about a relationship, not a set of rules.
Reply:Definitely true church wants to control women because women give life to the church. In other words they are the generous life givers to the world; no human life exists without women.

History of religion is fascinating.

The Evolution of Love by Emil Lucka in 1922

The revivifying influence of Christ's preaching and personality was stifled after the first centuries by the rigid dogma and formalism which had altered his doctrine almost past recognition. The Church was building up its political structure and tolerated no rival. Art, literature, music, all the enthusiasm and profound thought of which the human mind is capable, were pressed into her service. Independent thought was heresy, and the death of every heretic became a new fetter which bound the intellect of man. But about the year 1100, when the mighty edifice was complete, and the pope and his bishops looked down upon kings and emperors and counted them their vassals..
Reply:This issue has turned off many women. Maybe not

rejecting Christianity, but feeling that the Bible is not necessarily inspired by God but inspired by men(Paul) with an agenda.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and in that spirit

feel that most men that use these scriptures to subjugate do so in ignorance. But some undoubtedly do so on purpose; knowing the subjugation is inaccurate. These men are worse than murderers and someday will be judged harshly. Jesus said "fear not he that can kill your body, fear he that can destroy your soul". Men that knowingly misinterpret the Word for their own agenda are knowingly jeopardizing souls.

Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 14: 26-40 are limited to the area of the evaluation of prophecy. Apparently the church in Corinth had some disorderly conduct. He also admonished those that had no interpreter to remain silent. Perhaps it could be pointed out that it is also shameful for a man to speak in church during the service. Paul recognized that women were praying and prophesying in public worship and did not

condemn them for doing so. 1 Cor. 11-15. Priscilla was a well

respected leader of the early church. Her name unexpectedly precedes her husband's in three of the six references to them. The couple traveled with Paul teaching Christian doctrine. Also Joel 2:28 predicts that women will prophesy.

Women were very active in the early church as documented in the last chapter of Romans.
Reply:Some keep women out of the pastorate, but not teach Bible study???I never heard of this.
Reply:Because sexist males wrote the bible and all its rules.
Reply:they go by the bible....

"1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

1Ti 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

1Ti 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. "

whether we like it or not, this is what it says...
Reply:Some non-profit Churches discriminate against women the identical way blacks were discriminated against prior to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Some non-profit Churches also discriminate against the idea of married ministers viewing married male pastors to normal women as evil.
Reply:When the Bible was fabricated, it was the norm for women to be treated like property.

Shutup, clean the house, and make dinner, woman.... oh wait, that's still how half the world treats women!

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