Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bible Study help?!?

My friend and I have a bible study at school with about 10 people. We are a close group but the problem is is that it is fine for the small group we have now but its not yet at the pointthat if someone new came, they'd wanna stay... what can we do to revamp the group and make it exciting. What will attract more people? Thanks for your help!!

Bible Study help?!?
Provide food. Socializing with a snack/meal before the study helps build fellowship. If the study is good enough itself people will return for more. Make sure there's plenty of time for discussion as the study is taught.
Reply:SPOONS! It's a card game, trust me, it's FUN
Reply:The solution is hard to do. It is to split the group before you seek more members. Then newcomers will not be intimidated by a large and "in" group.
Reply:My first piece of advice is to first pray about then pray some more. Pray as a group.

Why do you assume that someone new wouldn't find it as interesting as you ten do??

My second piece of advice is that in all probability the only thing you need to do to make it exciting, is to "be excited" about the word and let His word do His work in newcomers. After all it is "alive and active and sharper than any double edged sword"

Finally, I believe you do need to keep a bible study group to a limited number in order that everyone get to contribute. God speaks to people through His word and can reveal stuff through any member of the group. I think if the group gets larger than twelve you should start making plans to either restructure it or split into smaller groups. Twelve's a nice number for a band of followers don't you think.

Heb 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (KJV)
Reply:begin and end each bible study with music. Surely, there is a bible believer who can strum a guitar.
Reply:Talk about popular controversial issues and ADVERTISE. Talk about what the Bible has to say about abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. because that's most likely what people want to know.
Reply:How deep into a study are you going? Surface level? Knee Deep?

Somebody truly doing exegesis? If not...I'd start there. Don't just take what people say "this text states" some leg-work yourself and figure out what is going on.

That'd keep me there!

Good luck! May God continue to Bless You!

Reply:Try opening with a hymn and a prayer. Singing hymns can be difficult especially if you don't feel you have a good voice, but singing praises brings the Spirit of the Lord powerfully. Also follow the example of the savior and preach with meekness. Too many become judgemental and start sending everyone to hell. Also testify of the reality of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. John 14 and 15 have instructions from Jesus to his Apostles during the last moments of his life with them. In those two chapters Jesus speaks of the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching truth. When someone feels the Holy Spirit it brings peace and joy. This will certainly bring people to study. I was a full time missionary for 2 years and I know that the Spirit of God is essential to inspiring a desire to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reply:First drop the Bible part and come up with something fun.
Reply:i got the same problem except my group started out with 12 people then some left now we have 5 and the other people only come when we have fun treats for everyone, like pizza or playing taboo or whatever. My friend and I lead it and we try to start with a short game then go on to the bible study part then end with something fun. (we started this after we lost somany people)

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