Monday, May 4, 2009

What are the resources you use to study the Bible and memorize scriptures?

A buddy and I want to hold each other accountable and have Bible studies once or twice a week. We would like to get the most out of our time and make our time with God very high quality. What resources or ideas do you have or use?

What are the resources you use to study the Bible and memorize scriptures?
Any Bible Study from Navigators. Almost every study they have comes with Scripture memory cards on perforated pages in the back of the study guides. Nothing but Bible verses and they are written in such a way that they are fun to discuss together in a group.
Reply:As far as just the Bible memory part of your question, I have used computer software from the following company with great success. You can print cards off, and they encourage you to have an accountability partner.

For Bible study, I would highly recommend 'Seeking Him' by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Even though it is written by a woman, it would be appropriate for either men or women to study. It is about seeking personal revival in our relationship with the Lord. Here is a link for more information
Reply:Until we started going to bible study fellowship, I never knew how many lessons and meat were in the bible.

BSF can be found on most web searches, and is all over the US and in many other countries also now.

It is comprised of all different beliefs in the discussion groups and allows for open dialog of bible interpretation, along with a lecture leader who also ties the whole lesson for the week together.

Starting this September the study will focus on Romans, Genesis was just completed. It is a seven year study and the lessons and questions are the same , no matter what BSF study you attend.

Mens groups are more sparse than womens, but they are available, we have to drive 35 minutes to get to one that has both mens and womens studies, but it is worth it, the questions that you are given to study each week are generally very involved and thought provoking.

Check them out, their website will let you check out where the different studies are held in your area.
Reply:Go to its the official website for Jehovah's Witnesses. The material they publish are designed to help you study and understand the Bible.

*Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT members of a cult!!! They are Christians who believe that Jesus is the son of God. What makes them different is they do not celebrate holidays because they have been proven to have background in false religion. It is hard to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses because to be one, you have to obey God's law. Common things that complicate or even destroy people's lives everyday like having sex before marraige, and commiting adultery, or LOVE of money could be avoided if you simply obeyed God's law. Check out the website if you really want to understand the Bible.
Reply:Take you scriptures from the source... read them aloud to each other. over time you will remember them,

if you have a computer handy use the commentairies from Blueletterbible .org.

but all you need is a good study bible... I would use two. A scofield and a Ryrie.... also stick to two translations. the KJV and The New American Standard Bible(updated... dont bother with the NIV or NKJV.... avoid like the plague The Message bible. it is an abomination.
Reply:You have a great start - an accountability partner. Start out with genuine prayers asking that Holy Spirit reveal to you the knowledge you need to ground you in your Christian faith. Start with the book of James, followed by John, and then you will notice that Psalms is broken into books within itself - read through the first one - this gives you the foundational behaviors of a Christian, the foundation of Christ, and the foundation of praise. Each time asking God to reveal to you through the Holy Spirit what it is you are to learn - when you come up with a word one of you do not understand, look it up, see how it applies in the overall context - a good study source to use is the Amplified Version of the Bible - just to help with word expounding. Also keep a journal of the passages you read, what you learned from them, and what you didn't understand, as you won't get it all the first time! What this does is establish the habit. You will notice any time that you start with out asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word to you, you will be totally lost. You will also notice that prior to meeting if you either one come together with unconfessed sins, then your meeting time will not be as beneficial, that is part of holding each other accountable for the time you are investing together. It is a wondrous journey you are embarking upon and will find it greatly rewarded by God. May God bless you.
Reply:One thing we did was go throught the book or proverbs one chapter at a time. Read a few scriptures and dicuss them. You'll be amazed at how much time that will take up. Once you get started talking about the Lord time flies.

Gen.1:1,2; All created existed, time evident as billions.

Gen.1:3-31[Earth a focus, 41,870 to Eden + 7,130 years to 49,000];

Water, light, all there[Day one to Day four, more star light,

ground and water, perfect for grass, herbs, trees and fruit,

day five water flesh creations, day six domestic animals and

man of dust as flesh souls, life of soul is Spirit of creator, Num.16:22].


John 17:3,5,24[Jesus was with God before the world was];

God Said," Let us make man." Col.1:13-18; Eph.3:21[world without end];

Job 38:4-7[Angels saw earth become focus for habitation, Heb.1:6.9.10];

Luke 20:34-36[Angels do not die, Jude 6; angels sinned 2Pet.2:4];

EVIL EXISTED: Gen.3:21; 6:5,11[ flood ends world violence and evil];

EVIL A RULING FACTOR[Gen.8:21; John 8:44[Satan Eze.28:13-15];

Age a son had a son [or event], sums the time then, at hand.

Adam to flood.[130-[no Eden]-105-90-70-65-

162-65-187- 600 = ]

1656 flood + 350 Noah Gen.9:28,29; + 2 = 2008 Abraham born.

0000 Gen.12:4[Abraham age 75],10,13;15:13,16[to 4th gen %26amp; Moses];

0427 years to Abraham age 75, he gets the covenant in year 2083.

0430 years to Moses age Exo.7:7[80]; 12:40,41[430]; 1553 before Christ in #6.

0040 years to the Promised Land. Deut.1:3; 29:5; 34:7; 1513 before Christ in #6.

0480 years to Solomon year 4 king. 1Ki.6:1[480 years]; 1033 before Christ in #6.

0036 years [of 40], Solomon dies. 1Ki.11:42; 997 before Christ in #6.

0391 Judah Kings=Babylon #3. Matt.1:1-17[42 gen Abraham to Jesus];

3460 + 606 before Christ prophecy and to his second coming by Daniel[%26amp; John].

0000 4066 at Dan.9:24-29[The math to Christ in Rome # 6]; to age 30, Luke 3:23;

Matt.4:1-11[Jesus faces Satan in Rome #6]; year 33 Christ Jesus ascended, Acts 1:9-11;

John 3:13-17[written about year s 38 to 64]; Year 98 John on Patmos in Rome #6.

[Daniel's Prophecy: Dan.4:16.23.25,32[ 7 x 360 math = 2520];

Daniel's Prophecy: Dan.12:1-7[2500]; Dan.12.9-10[2520];

2520 years [Rev.17:1-6,10-14; #1 - #5 fallen, Rome #6 is, #7 = KJV 1611 Bible.

0150 = in 8th Matt.24:3,14; = 6130 EDEN to Rev.20:1-6[1000 year Jesus reign];

Eph.3:21; 1Cor.15:22-28[Never ending world, goes into kingdom of God];

LORD, 7,130 years means, 130 Eden and all your rest day from creating???

Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22,36-38[ Only God knows the day and the hour];

World with Satan in it ends,begans kingdom of Jesus unto God's kingdom .

Dan.7:25[Time, times and the dividing of time,

ALSO: Time, times, and half time.

Dan.12:1-7[2500]; 8-10[2520 = Rev.12:7-12],

Dan.12:11[2x 1290 = 2580],Dan.12:12[2x 1335 = 2670];

41,870 + 3,460 + 2,520 + 150 + 1,000 + 49,000 to earth perfect.

Bible time is new moon to new moon, sabbath to sabbath, 360 days

with make-up to 365 in year[math 360, 1Thes.5:1-9,21; know time].

Jesus is SAVIOR OF THE WORLD, Matt.6:9-13[The Lord's prayer];

Pray to his Father, his God, in Jesus name John 14:13-15; 16:23;

Matt.22:37-40[ This is the first and great commandment];

Jesus is Heb.9:14-16; mediator between Almighty LORD God

and POWER who has given him all power in heaven and on

earth to SAVE THE WORLD, John 3:16[God the Father has done this];

Heb.1:1-13[Acts 2:31-35; Isa.9:6,7; The LORD God of host has done

this as the Lord was there when the foundation of the earth was laid

Heb.1:10[John 17:1-3,4,5,6-24,25,26[Jesus did all he was to do perfect from

the time he came to be the first creature created by his God and Father];

Heb.2:9,14,16[1Cor.15:22-28,51... Rev.20:1-6[Priest of God and Christ;

Rev.21:1-5,9,10[ Jesus to destroy Satan, death, and make all perfect again

with his redeemed in new heaven thousands over new earth billions, new,

as it was before Eden for his LORD God and Father and Family];


Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22,36-38[ Only God knows day and hour of 6,130 years]

Rev.17:1-6,10-14[#1 - #5, #6 to #7 full, to 8th, world that Satan is in ends];

#01. Egypt #1 and Moses.

#02. Assyria #2 and Isaiah.

#03. Babylon #3 and Daniel.

#04. Cyrus #4 and Ezra.

#05. Greece #5 Matt.1:1-17[14 generations to Christ];

#06. Rome #6 and Christ crucified and ascended, John on Patmos.

#07. Europe #7 and world gets the KJV 1611 bible 303 = 1914 excepted translation.

8th. Europe Americas 8th of the seven 1776 + 230 = 2006 after Christ.
Reply:Understanding God is not a competition.

Let's start with 1Cor 10:23-24. I use the NIV in; I also use interlinear material found in

I would like to recommend a simple word study in the Gospel of John, belief,believe,believer, and nonbeliever. You can use the search engine in the

Work on the basics and know what the passages (not out of context verses) are saying. Remember the bible interprets itself.

If you are lucky, you will have finished your education before Jesus returns.
Reply:Well, Daily devotionals are helpful, but reciting and studing Scripture is the one that does it for me:-)
Reply:Jehovah's Witnesses have a brochure call

"What does God require of us"

It really gets to the meat of what the bible is trying to say

or go to

that is a home page and you can ask any bible question and it gives a bible scripture answer.

They call them a cult but there meetings are open to the public

and it is almost impossible to be one and easy to get kicked out
Reply:I suggest three things.

1 get a Ryrie Study Bible, they are very very good, and cover alot of topics, they also have history, definitions, and translations

2. Get an FCA Bible, they have many down to Earth questions to stir your brain and make you seroiusly think about the topic you are covering.

3. visit, I dont agree with everything on this website, however the people that wrote it know alot about the Bible and if you contact them they will help you study and try to answer any questions you have about the Bible.

God Bless:)+=
Reply:Just the Bible that's all you need with Gods help
Reply:I used to read the One Year Bible. Old Testament, New Testament, a little proverbs %26amp; Psalms is gone through twice. So you get a little of everything and it takes 15-30 minutes.

One year, I made sure I picked at least one verse to write in a journal. It made me appreciate and love the whole Bible. I never realized how cool the OT was (leviticus gets long, but there are nuggets hidden in it).

When you get together, you can share the verses that were significant and went along with stuff in your life. (You'll be amazed what happens) It's cool when I talk to my friends, it became part of our conversation....

You get an idea of how one verse can mean one thing to one person and not to the other. You can question whether they are reading too much into it and making the Bible fit what THEIR will is, instead of God's will.

I know this sounds confusing..

By chance, I did my daily reading in the morning. It was September 11, 2001. As I watched the planes hit the towers....I couldn't tell any of my coworkers...but I had read about it in the one year Bible....If you happen to have the whole reading for September's really cool.

I have a hard time with alot of the killing in the Bible, but I understood some of the verses better on that day.

So, now that I've said all this....I've felt the conviction to delve into my One Year again. THANK YOU!! God used you in my life today!

Another thing, verses will become significant and they will be the ones you'll want to memorize. It will change your life and your relationship with God.
Reply:I suggest you find a website according to your beliefs (denomination) that has online services (not live neccesarily they have arcchives and you can choose) watch it together taking notes and with your Bibles of course and exchange ideas afterwards. If you told me what denomination or group you feel you belong to maybe I could be more specific.

Another source is Beth Moore Bible studies they are really good and I know different denominations use it.

I love this site: learn scientific facts that prove creation, the flood, dinasours in the Bible, dinosaurs and man lived together (Yes!! awesome fossils) Model of the earth 6000 years ago etc. is another option they have christian movies you can watch online and their Praise the Lord shows of the month.

If any of you are registered with netflix they have a bunch of christian movies and series you could watch together.

Get some tapes from your favorite preacher from their website

Start reading a book of Bible (some chapters at a time or one as homework take notes using a concordance get together and discuss it, I find a lot of new insight everytime I do it on my own how much more if you two do it together.

Book club: Choose a book and do the same: Classics like Lewis, Spurgeon, maybe even Josephus the Historian.

I like Kenneth Copeland's site , very organized easy acces, tons of video archives, they're daily broadcast, conferences etc. you can even download them for free no hassle no registration etc.

Hope this helps
Reply:An easy way to start...3, and are pretty good.

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