Monday, May 4, 2009

Any suggestions on starting a teen/college age bible study?

Myself and a friend feel that God is leading us to start a bible study with our peers as we begin to make the transition between high school and college (most people will be between the ages of 16-22) and to help us become better witnessess. The main focus of this group is witnessing to this lost and dying world. Any resources, book suggestions, topics, prayers, or etc will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your time and God Bless!!

Any suggestions on starting a teen/college age bible study?
If you're in college/highschool you should be focused on drugs and sex, not religion!
Reply:This is a wonderful idea. And God has given you a vision that can do alot for people. The important thing is not not loose focus. And also not to loose your vision. Sometimes people will try and take away what God has given you to birth. Keep having your bible study even if nobody show up. Cause somedays that will happen. But try to do things with each other outside of Bible study at least once a month. Yall sometimes pick days to fast and pray. Yall choose a book for three months to discuss. Alot of things yall can do. It's just important for you to keep focus.
Reply:"Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering." (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Don't believe in that crap please.
Reply:COngratulation, I think that you really have the desire to serve God, but don't let anyone stop you, especially the way life is in college.

I will suggest that you pray intesely on this subject and Ask God for strenght and courage because you will have to confront strong peer pressure and lack of interest from other teens.

Many teens on campus forget if they were christian on Campus because they live according to the desire of this world.

if you have any question, you can contact me at, because I am actually thinking of Joining a Bible study in my college. I will be very happy to help you, because I am a christian who want to live faithfully, just like you guys are doing, but there is a lot temptation.

Be strong
Reply:Take time to fellowship and encourage one another. Work the Bible study into that. Occasionally, go out and witness with each other, so that others can keep an eye, in case things go extremely wrong. Satan does attack sometimes, so it's good to work in groups when possible. Way of the Master is a pretty good evangelism class. You can get books, DVD's, CD's, and gospel tracts from them. Way of the Master was started by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.
Reply:From my personal studies, myself and many renowned scholars have reached the conclusion that the Bible (mainly Old Testament) is actually a history of the creation of humanity about 50,000 years ago with extraterrestrial aid. Just an FYI if you're going to be studying the bible.
Reply:seek god, just take the time to listen because sometimes he has something to say. just take at least 30 minutes of your time or more if needed to listen to him and pray.

I think it sounds like a GREAT idea!

I think you should have the ages between 14-22 because kids just entering high school tend to feel more rebelious than the older ones sometimes. at least thats how i was

let them know what the sinful things are but dont EVER forget to include the amazing things god does for us. We are MADE unworthy but we dont have to be that way. thats why jesus died for EVERYONE so that god can forgive no matter how often we may turn against him. we are all gods children Christian or not. and if you are atheist, agnostic, or whatever and dont know him... God says you WILL know him... whether you like it or not =]

p.s good luck to you! i will pray for this bible study and to hope that you may change lives through the word of god! PRAISE GOD!
Reply:Begin with evolution vs creation.

Watch the movie Expelled

Watch shows called Answers in Genesis and Creation Today...both on internet. They will get nonbelievers thinking that scientists are blind to much evidence of creation and at least make them begin to think.
Reply:Yeah - try to recruit the drop-outs. Most of the phys or chem students are probably going to wise up to the workings of the universe.
Reply:hahahaha! Good luck on getting people to join your story time club. Im in College and EXTREMLY busy all the time.
Reply:Are you sure it's not the drugs? j/k Jehovah's Witnesses are a lot better at Witnessing (hence the name) than any other religion. Check them out.
Reply:start a science club instead!
Reply:just talk to GOD he will tell u everthinh u want n need to kno
Reply:a suggestion would be....

dont do it

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