Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where canI find a good Christian fill in the blank daily printable bible study online?

Im 14 and im looking for a daily printable bible study for the king James Version of the bible. I need someting I can print out for every day and use my bible to find the answers.

Where canI find a good Christian fill in the blank daily printable bible study online?
This site may be of some help...
Reply:is the "Daily Text" ok?

On the left side of the page click on "Daily Devotional". It's not fill-in-the-blank, but there is a daily scripture and a text to amplify the scripture.
Reply:I suggest you have a good open minded read of "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Why would anyone want to study the bible?
Reply:Some Dollar stores or .99 cents stores have book sections that have Biblical resource books etc...
Reply:Charles Stanley. Also Calvary Chapel.

Really good site - teaches a lot of interetsing things - have fun

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