Monday, November 16, 2009

Are you allowed to have a bible study in a public school?

there is a bible study in my school and it's only for christians. They have posters all around the school. i don't know if that's allowed in a public school.

Are you allowed to have a bible study in a public school?
If it is a special interest club it is allowed

if it actually a class no...Seperation of Church and State
Reply:Why not? Aren't you allowed to start up any society you want (interesting experiment - start up a church of satan study group or something similar, see if you get any objections then point out the hypocrisy?)

Reply:They are allowed to hold bible study as long as it doesn't take up class time and they don't take up class time promoting it. Also, it has to be open to everyone who is interested - if they are using the school premises, they are not allowed to descriminate based on anything - race, sexuality, or religion.

Edit: Mrs. O, I don't know where you went to college, but even in the religion classes I took no one assumes you know anything about the bible (unless you go to bible college, I guess). I never needed the bible at all, even in the religion class I took. Especially if you major in the sciences - the bible just gets in the way.
Reply:probably depends on the school district, but i dont know
Reply:Yes, it is allowed as long as they limit their actions to Christians who are willingly attending. If you don't like it, don't go...
Reply:why would it not be allowed? there are meetings for other things, too, like chess club and what not.....why not a bible club?
Reply:Yes that's allowed in public school. Usually it has to be run by students or outside people. It just can't be run during school hours by people who are paid by the school. There was one at my public high school everyweek and it was totally done by either students or people that the students brought in. Now they have 2 every week.
Reply:I thought Christianity was banned.

Yes, you can have a witchcraft study club or other club you can argue is "religious" in nature, but nothing Christian.
Reply:It is, but from my experiences not encouraged. This guy was sued for saying Merry Christmas to a teacher...
Reply:Yeha, if the school is forcing it on you, it's illegal.
Reply:Yes, as long as it does not interrupt class time. The Bible is a required text when you enter college. In fact, most universities assume the Bible was read in high school
Reply:as long as it's student lead.
Reply:NO They should be outside with the smokers.....or some where else...
Reply:yes it is, I had one at my high school, as long as funding doesn't come from the school you're fine.
Reply:Yes it is allowed.
Reply:yes yes yes and YES! i have one every Thursday mornings at my school. Students are allowed to do anything they want when it comes to religion that is our right and our choice and they can't take that away. Teachers can even have bible studies they just cannot make it manditory for class nor can they push their ideas oh anyone who doesn't want them....good question though!
Reply:Yes it is, if it is before or after school.

Because the teaching of relgion in schools is so controversial, the club leaders want to make sure that they aren't breaking any "rules". What is not allowed is if religion is taught in the classroom if it is not a Bible Study class, which I do not believe is offered at any school.
Reply:As long as the study is not formally set-up but the public school, it is legal. Enjoy!
Reply:Not in any around where I would have to be a private Christian school.
Reply:If this is a student club, organized and run by students, then yes, they can, provided that a Jewish student club could do the same or an Islamic club could study the Koran.
Reply:This should be no problem.

Refer to

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