Have you ever had someone offer you to "study the bible" but what they are REALLY doing is trying to indoctrinate you according to THEIR sect's doctrine? I find that VERY decepetive! The Jehovah's Witnesses among other sects are VERY guilty of doing this.
To TRULY study something you must aproach it OBJECTIVELY right? Every sect has a slightly different approach to the bible, you have to learn them ALL. You also need to learn bible history, the REAL thing not just what that particular church wants you to know. Cause if you are being LED instead of being EMPOWERED to research on your own and then come to your own appreciation, then that is SURELY not BIBLE STUDY but just RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING. How many of you agree?
Is "Bible Study" really a true study of the bible if you are being led along a pre-concieved doctrine?
I agree with you so for that reason I study with friends not limiting our selves to just the bible but also other Scriptures, we research different points of view.
Reply:How do you determine that anyone on this earth knows what they are talking about. You can get three scientists to agree with each other. But what if someone don't agree with them? Does this invalidate their knowledge of the facts?
If you spent 20 years in college and someone told you all your teachers had it wrong. Would you feel you had wasted your time?
Just courious.
God bless you. God loves you. Jesus died for you.
Reply:Well, if you believe that they are wrong according to the bible, and you can prove it. By all means do so. But if you try and cannot, then what? Is it from them, or from the bible? Every one needs to study for themselves, but the bible says at Matthew 18:20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”
Think of it this way, there is only one true God. So wouldn't there be only one true organization, that is doing the will of God the way that God wants it to be done?
Your job is to find out what one that is! Will you?
If you want to know what the bible really teaches, have your bible ready and visit http://watchtower.org , or you can contact me.
Reply:hhhhmmmmm . . . good ??.
try to prove the bible wrong in ur studies. c where that gets u. u might find out there is no heaven or hell. then what would u do???
hhhhmmmmmm . . . . . .
Reply:Yes ...objectivity is important. Ask yourself... When was the Bible written??? If it was dictated by God and the Holy Spirit to the writers... in what times and ancient cultures did these script writers come from? Also, did the times these writers live in affect the words that were used... today's word usage and language is MUCH different than that of 1800 years ago... Do times change the meanings of phrases used in the Bible. Can you think of phrases used today in our every day lives that were not used 10 years ago??? Do popular phrases have different meanings today than 10 years ago??? Can you think of any phrases used in the past that are no longer used today??? When religions say we must take the meaning of the Bible literally as written... they are really asking us to live in the past in the words, customs language use, and times that were common in use 1800 to 1900 years ago. Another question... if you accept the doctrine of a religion as to how they interpret the Bible... you are letting SOMEONE ELSE study the Bible FOR YOU... and then telling you what to believe? Are you incapable of studying the Bible on your own and developing your own beliefs??? To do a good study of the Bible, you have to study ancient cultures... what was it like 2000 years ago in Israel??? What language was used??? What language was the Bible written in??? To do a Bible Study you have to know the background of life and the culture of the times of Jesus... Most of the New Testament was not even STARTED to be written until 40 to 50 years AFTER Jesus DIED!!! The gospels were written by people who did not know Jesus... he died before they wrote the gospels. Try to write a correct story that occured 40 years ago... even 4 years ago... and get every detain correct!!! It is important to consider all this... and not let someone brain wash you into what YOU SHOULD BELIEVE. Religions are good... they help us live a good life... and to be aware of God... BUT... NEVER submit yourself to a religion that demands that to be a good member... you HAVE TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO BELIEVE... and if you deviate from their beliefs... you are out of the religion.
Think kindly about the BIBLE... look for the Wisdom in its teachings... read it yourself and study it yourself... and find the universal truths contained in this holy book... as it can become holy... if you use it to make your life better. Blessings...
Reply:A bible study is what you make of it. My pastor puts it this way, This is what the bible says, and ask the Lord to write it on my heart, giving it meaning to me.
Reply:I read the bible myself to see if God's word was true, and to see what he taught on topics that were in the bible. Then i took what scripture says and found a denomination that was closest to what was in scripture. Im a Southern Baptist.
Reply:When you study in school or universtiy, are you not taught what the teacher or professor intended for you to learn from the beginning? Would you make the same accusations of them?
Reply:Is this a TRUE question or is it prec-concieved and designed to lead us to a false conclusion about bible studies? Hmmmm... think about that one.
Reply:Yeah, ANY study involves being led according to someone's views to some extent. When it comes to religion I prefer to learn by myself and with an open mind.
Reply:My cousin's wife does this kind of study. One time she said that they had to go to bible study so the pastor could tell them what to believe.
I think its really funny as she is the one who spends all her time bad-mouthing Catholics which our entire family is. We're just waiting for her oldest kid to fall for a Catholic girl and convert for her.
Reply:If you read the bible for yourself you will have the answers you need to help yourself. You will also be able to answer those who are leading/teaching you. There are no secret pages in the bible. It is available for us all to read and understand. One day you will answer to God - not the people who taught you. you won't be able to say "but so and so told be different God! "Be sure you know what the bible says for yourself. BTW - run from the JW's. Really!
Reply:I follow only the Holy Spirit...and He is the Word...and the Word says that God only reveals His secret (mystery), to His servants the Prophets (AMOS 3:7).
Jesus (The Word), said that an Elijah type Prophet would come in the Last Days and RESTORE ALL THINGS (MATT 17:11). According to MALACHI 4:5,6 - LUKE 1 - LUKE 17 - and REVELATIONS 10:7, this Prophet would forerun the 2nd Coming of Christ, and his Message would open all the mystery (secret), of God's Word...so we will not have confusion that the denominations have created.
Find out who it is by clicking here...
If you are doubting this, then consider that Jesus said it would be in the Last Days, as it was in the Days of Noah.
How many people had the Truth in Noah's Day?
Jesus Christ, as the unadulterated Word of God, is our Absolute. But if you are following any interpretation than what He has given to His vindicated Prophet, you are following a lie.
There is no way around this.
Reply:Some say that the ABSOLUTE truth doesn't exist. Everything is always in some way tinted by ideology of some sort.
It doesn't have to be bad.
To decide which ones you find valuable is called having an opinion, I guess.
Reply:I agree. Many churches twist the words of the Bible to benefit themselves. Early priests in the Middle Ages times would take advantage of the people's inablity to read or write, so they would make up their own passages in order to get money from them. If the people didn't follow, then the preacher would tell them they were going to hell.
Same goes on today. "Give your money to the church or you go to hell."
Reply:To have someone lead you into a religious set of doctrine is not a Bible study. If you want to see a true approach to an effective Bible study go to %26lt;christianitybesieged.com%26gt;
Then try to have your own dialog with the Biblical authors
as was done here. You will be surprised what you find. Then share it with others.
Reply:its a true study, what is in the Bilbe is what God intended you to read and study, an actual map of life
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