Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why dont some christians let women preach or conduct bible study classes?

Dont they realize that our lord's closest friends and apostles were women? when jesus rose from the dead do you know that the first person to see and speak to him was mary magdeline? when women played a major role in the life of jesus, how can churches of today discriminate women from preaching and conducting bible study classes?

Why dont some christians let women preach or conduct bible study classes?
Because it is not scriptural for women to preach, just as the man was created before the woman then man is to be the head of the house and the head of the church women can teach children or other women...if you search the scriptures you will find no women preachers.
Reply:Allah knows best
Reply:some churches are bound in religion and old testament teaching.

my husband is a pastor in a major christian church which believes in the free speech of women.

men are held ultimately responsible for the family to GOD but a women that is in the same mind as her husband is esteemed and give the right to preach.

some men are not lead to preach but are there to support their wives in ministry like JOYCE MEYER her husband is her right hand.

our senior pastors do share in the responsibility of sharing the word and they travel the world to do so.

unfortunately in the day of the bible the females were never educated and were thought to have nothing worthwhile to say.

some extremists ( yes i am talking even in the christian faith) take every word and bend it and back it up with only 1 or 2 other hand picked verses instead of getting the whole picture!!!

us godly women have lots of good to say in this world lets not let the history of a few mislead men in history tell us our words are powerless. as we are giving them the power to make us powerless!!!

godchicks rule!!!
Reply:Especially in those times when the bible was written, woman was subordinate to the man. That is why Paul write those verses in Corinthians. Women were seen in that era as people who was important yes but they must follow their husbands in everything they do. Today however things has changed and woman has the right to lift there own opinions, that is why some churches allow female pastors. It is defenitaly not wrong for a woman to preach because it is not applicable to this day and age.

Jesus loves all of us equally and He doesn't look into your gender first and then your hart. He looks at the person and his/her hart, what ar their motives, etc.

I also struggled with that in the beginning of my christianity but the lord showed me what is important to Him.

Hope this helped you.
Reply:God wants men to do those roles, but if there are not enough men who are willing to do God's will, then God will use women to get the job done.
Reply:Because Christianity is historically chauvinstic. The Christian god (and the earlier Jewish god) were made up by people living in a highly patriarchical society. You can see this throughout the Bible. For example, the 10 commandments women listed in things not to covet right next to slaves and mules. They were considered property in those days with just a few more rights than the livestock.

A few examples of the status of women in the Bible is listed in the link below:

And the societies that Christianity flourished in up to present day were also patriarchical. Only recent have women gained a stronger standing in society. However, you'll still find many who feel that women only play a supportive role.
Reply:I don't know what Christian churches you mean but my church allows women to preach and teach children as well as adults.

If you are in a church that will not allow women to preach or teach, it may be time to change to another church.

Reply:because the bible is only working of example. in those times the society was patriarchal and men did most of the work. But your right there are a lot of women who did great things in the bible, Rahaab,Esther,Ruth,Mary Magdalene, amongst others. Jesus never kept women from anything, but I guess people figured if there were no women disciples then Jesus must of wanted men to do his main work. Besides they will take the Genesis verse to another level. Eve was made as a compliment to Adam. A supporter not a Helper/servant, this is misinterpreted by many a bible thumper.
Reply:1 Corinthians 14:34 %26amp; 35 says: "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law, And if thy will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." Many churches take this too literally. It is generally accepted that women are allowed to teach other women and children, but not men. This is a hot issue in the church today, along with allowing homosexuals into the clergy. Jesus will have to sort it all out.

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