I am wanting to do a good Bible study, perfer Assemblies of God.
Do you know where I can get a good bible study lessons?
theres a bible study center somewhere in there in the left column i think. The online broadcasts are better than His studies, but He is fantastic. much more powerful and word - based than AOG... but will certainly not offend. very faith filled. meat of the word, not milk. you will learn HEAPS. you will be blessed beyond measure.
God Bless you :-)
Reply:Spurgeon's sermons are something which really helped me to learn a lot about the bible and which gave me a lot of encouragement in my bad times, so I would recommend you to listen to his sermons (read by someoone else) from www.sermonaudio.com or go to www.spurgeon.org from where you can directly read his sermons and believe me you will find that it will change you very much.
Reply:Those Jehovah's Witnesses actually came to me and offered a FREE Bible Study.
Didn't even have to sign anything.
Reply:What part of the Bible did you want to study?
Is this for just you or a group?
Prayers to you and yours. %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:Read the bible by yourself
Reply:Christian book store, ask for AOG study material.
Reply:yes the net will be a good place to start from. try www.biblestudies.com for more
Reply:i don't know where you live, but try sending your question at pasugo@inc.org.ph all answers are biblical
Reply:If you want the best Bible Study Lessons inwhere you want to know the facts of God's Word. I would reccomend LCG.ORG. They have a Bible Study Course that goes over the two sides of Religion and gives you Bible Texts to prove the answers. They don't interpet; they let the Bible interpet the Bible.
Reply:it depends on what book you are studying or what your them is. try www.bluelettebible.com its got lots of commentaries and helpful Greek and Hebrew translations, if your inot that kinda thing.
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