Monday, November 16, 2009

Your Idea For Bible Study Program Please?

Christians and anyone, really- what would you like to see in a Bible study program, should you be inclined to join one?

Examples may include a historical slant, doctrinal, language study, etc.

What do you hope for in a Bible study?

Your Idea For Bible Study Program Please?
More understanding ... on a deeper level ... from the word. In other words verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book.
Reply:That after the end of the 1st verse of Genesis there is a PERIOD..!!

I go to a ladies bible study, where we come at most things from the view of moms and wives. We want to grow in those roles and be Godly women. So, in that study, we look for role models, spiritual guidance, ways to deal with our daily trials and tribulations.

A second bible study is much more of an indepth study of various books or topics. Some studies have been very much historical and those have been truely interesting. It really helps to understand more of what is written when you understand the culture and the politics of the time. That really is our Pastor's big push, seeing the WHOLE picture, not just the little pieces.

We just finished a 12 week study of other Christian denominations and then other main stream religions and cults. Again, really interesting, and we all learned a LOT. Not only about other groups, but about our own faith and our own doctrine. Generally, when we are about to wind down a bible study topic, Pastor will ask for ideas for the next one. He wants it to really be something of interest to the group.
Reply:The correct application of scripture in everyday life.

Some scriptures are of a physical nature others are of a spiritual nature.
Reply:A study of the Bible would be just that. A study of the Bible. At Acts 17 v 11 we see that the Beroeans were students of the Bible, examining the scriptures to make sure of all things. As you study the Bible, history does come into it inasmuchas it ties in with secular history. Any doctrinal points would not, because the Bible is from God and any doctrines are usually man made.

Jesus said, at John 8 v 32, "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".
Reply:Free food, pretty women and soft chairs.
Reply:Spiritual growth
Reply:I look for reproof and correction which encourages growth I look for tough meat and not sugar coated truths that fit in with the norms of the social order..but the true gospel something that will stick to the ribs that I can share and know God has my back because it said it in His word so If and when I share it I wont feel afraid...

that is what I look for in a study

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