Sunday, November 15, 2009

I admit I do not study the bible very often, but I must ask about my vegetarian life style?

Where in the bible does it say that you have to eat meat and other animal products? I have been vegan for the last 20 odd days do to a fast and I feel great! I have been almost vegan for 21/2 years what I mean is that I eat fish only on special occasions "thanksgiving Christmas ect" why is it that some Christians think you are weird because of following a non meat diet?

I admit I do not study the bible very often, but I must ask about my vegetarian life style?
I do not claim to be a bible expert - but have been to bible college.

In the beginning, not eating animals was the norm. That changed after Cain and Abel within the old testament.

For Christians, there are no limitations at all - it is all personal choice. Food has nothing to do with relationship with God at all as seen within the old testament. The reason - best covered in another area than this one - - or you can write to me private if you feel the need - - but I think that you already know why.

To be a vegetarian, as found within the dictionary - they are people they do not eat animals. So fish would be a 'no-no'.
Reply:it may not be written in the bible but in the hindu scriptures th gita and others state that eating another living things is like killing. killing another livi creature is not a good thing. i am to a vegetarian and have been from day one.

way to go.
Reply:Nothing says you HAVE to eat meat--it says the animals were given to us TO eat if we choose. Its up to us, but tthere's no prohibition AGAINST meat in the bible.+

Personally, I'd nerver be happy without juicy steaks on the grill, BBQ slabs of ribs, or Big Macs. I respect YOUR choices, now please return the favor----because that is why vegans are disrespected.
Reply:It's your choice. Nothing that I know of in the Bible against vegetarian/veganism! Go girl.... be different, be you! God loves ya! :)
Reply:What's it matter? As far as I know the Bible doesn't have anything against a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. If you feel great, that is what matters! Props to you!
Reply:Agree with cope...

In the Bible in book of Genesis, God gave Adam dominion over the earth and everything in it. Too, John had a vision and was told to eat all sorts of animals that were dropped in front of him even tho he knew some of the things were unclean, and man's laws would condem him for it. God told him to eat anyway. That was God's way of saying, what was unclean, He has made clean. There are several lessons here...Not to let what one man does as a practice, (such as eating shell fish) withhold him from God. (As in the Jews were the chosen and the Samaritans despised) It also had to do with ministry to the Gentile as well as the Jew. Not to let man's dictates of His Law become more important than the law.

It is all available for us, given to us to enjoy. If you make a choice not to partake of God's blessings, that is your choice. Do not please to make judgements against other partakers.

Please read the Bible, it is a wealth of knowlege, comfort and source of wisdom. Even John when he went into the dessert ate only plants (locusts, a flower on a desert tree) and honey.
Reply:Jesus ate fish and lamb etc:
Reply:I have been a veggie all my life.

here is the thing, i think regardless of bible or any other holy book, when you see pain in a animals face and eyes, because it is being hurt, surely there is nothing Godly about that.

Meat is more about profit and making people rich then it is about religion, and health.

When i die, i shall not feel the pain of knowing that i eat other animals. I have so much food, so many choices, and so many amazing varity, i do not need some poor animal to die because me.

I need God to love me and eating animals is not love. its killing.
Reply:Bible is a collection of old and holly books from different authors. It was written through many years and in many different situations. So you can basically 'support' any idea if you just look the right book.

I can't tell you where but I've read chapters where in critical moments (ie.when Noah was running out of food) God allowed to eat animals.

I can tell you parts where God says that only greens are for food (genesis).

Adan and Eve only eat greens.

But there are other religious resources you have.

The commands: "You won't kill". It doesnt say you wont kill "humans", it says only you wont kill.

In the bible Jesus replaces the traditional sacriface of animals by a baptism with water. Also in the last dinner they got bread and wine while everywhere else people was celebrating with lamb. That has a meaning for me.

The bible doesn't mention Jesus eating meat. Only the repartition of fish... but that's questioned because the book was translated from greek where algaes and fish use the same word and in that time algaes were a common food.

The current books in the new testament were chosen by the church, but there were other books written in that time... Daniel's book used in some churches strictly mentions Jesus' vegetarian practices and that all his followers were vegetarian for decades after.... according to that book Jesus specifillay prohibited animal consumption.

Other books mention the sadness and disapointment He felt during his first visit to the temple when he saw animal sacrifice....

Most important.. use your common sense

being God, the creator of all livings..... how do you think he may feel hearing the scream of animals beeing tortured for food?
Reply:It doesn't. Just like most things, people like to interpret things to benefit their own desires. They quote the bible when it's convenient for them, and they interpret it to fit what they want it to say. You never see them arguing that Jesus would just LOOOVE how his animals are treated in factory farms to give them that meat that Jesus "wants" them to eat, of course.

I agree with SuperNintendo's sentiment regarding eating fish and calling yourself vegan (yikes, not even vegetarian, you're skipping right to vegan).. but then again weren't catholics the ones that perverted the meaning of "meat" to exclude fish? *sigh*
Reply:The Bible DOES NOT say that you HAVE to eat meat. It simply states that the beasts were put here for mans needs. Whether that be plowing the field or filling his stomach was up to him. Any Christian, which I am one, who makes rude comments or tries to make you feel bad about your chosen lifestyle is not truly living in love. If it works for you ....good for you.

9About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 13Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."

14"Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

15The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

16This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

Note verse 15

1 Timothy vs. 1-5

1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

can u help me out im unsure

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