Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm doing a bible study. . .?

and I don't know how to start. Do any of you have any tips for writing and teaching a bible study? I only have a few days, and I'm doing a character study on Ruth. Help would really be appreciated.

I'm doing a bible study. . .?
In that case try to find any material or books from on ruth from Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee you can use his stuff to help as a guide but of course don't forget you can always read through the bible yourself and just see what it speaks to you.
Reply:go to your Church library for the literature u need

sometimes the Church will underwrite the costs for handbooks or workbooks

they also may let u use their tvs and dvds thats what I did
Reply:trying to do a study on your own is tough, I'd look online and at your local Christian book store for some study materials.

However if you have already picked a section of the Bible (In your case the book of Ruth). I'd say just start reading the passage, take 1 chapter each time you meet, read the whole thing through once, then go back and read each verse and discuss it as you go. It might be helpful if you read each chapter before the meeting and think of some questions to get people thinking and start discussion. You might also look for Bible commentaries on the passage (I'm sure you can find some online) to help you interpret the passage and give you questions and topics for discussion starters.

Reply:Try this link from the American Bible Society
Reply:heres a tip:

study buddhism, hinduism, taoism, paganism, etc.
Reply:you could read from the bible then have whoever your reading to tell you something about what you read and draw a picture from what you read and you could make up other stuff to do about wat u read hope i helped
Reply:Dr. Ruth is a wise old lady but I'm not sure I'd bring her up in bible study!!

But I really love her appearances on David Letterman :)
Reply:yes, burn it.
Reply:I believe this study guide will help you alot. can i have your email address so that i can mail it to you?
Reply:Read it through first. Then go back and write down the main characters. Then go back and write down the times mentioned (day, night, month, early, late, etc.) Go back and write down locations. Take each verse and write down how it applies to you.
Reply:pray to jesus to open your eyes through the holy spirit to understand the scriptures you are studying get some of your friends to help you, but becareful of the christians, they will only show you their version

here is an other bible you can study. remember Jesus said study all things but keep truth
Reply:Tips for a Bible Study

1. Pray for H.S. guidance.

2. Read your selected bible passage or book (if that was

assigned to you and not impressed upon by the H.S.).

3. If you are new in the study of the scriptures, use the easy-

to-read versions of the bible like the New International

Version (NIV), or the New King James Version (NJKV).

4. Study the passages line by line.

5. If you need to understand some words, use a Bible


6. If you need guidance in interpreting some verses, you can

use some Study Bibles. (Zondervan Co. and Nelson Bible

Publishers have a number of these.

6. Be alert as to what the passages say on:

a command or instruction from God.

the promises from God.

the conditions from God.

the rewards or rebukes (punishments0 from God.

the attributes of God exemplified (love, grace, etc.

in the example of Ruth, the attributes of faithfulness,

love, steadfast loyalty, purity, obedience).

7. Make your outline simple.

8. Use real life experiences if you have some relevant to the


9. Make the study inter-active, with student participation; not

a monologue from you the teacher. Encourage questions.

10. Admit not knowing the answers to all the questions. Refer

some of the questions to other students who may know.

11. Close with a thanksgiving prayer, and pray for others'


12. Keep studying the word constantly.

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