Thursday, April 15, 2010

Topics for a junior high Bible Study?

Any suggestions on topics to study with a group of junior high guys in a Bible study?

Topics for a junior high Bible Study?
i know of many, but my favroite ones are by rand hummel of the wilds, he writes the just for teens and they are very easy to understand, go to and click on store, you can get them very cheep and shiping is cheep too. this man is a good freind of mine,and he spends his whole life working with young people. contact the wilds and see if you can get in touch with him, he will be at the NC camp.
Reply:From what I am hearing these days it sounds to me like a good course on abstinence would be in order.
Reply:Don't study any others belief, they need to be grounded in the living bible first!

Teach these young youths about "walking in the spirit".

Galatians 5:16-26, would be a good start, you can make this a 2-4 week lesson. Take your time if you only get in 4-5 verses in at a time so be it. Hopefully you are useing a study bible, this will help you prepare yourself for all the questions they will have.

From one who is a youth leader myself. God bless!
Reply:At that age... judgement - we are to judge behavior, but not people. Forgiveness... does not mean that we trust or that we release from consequences. Means only that we release from the spiritual punishment of holding a grudge.
Reply:acceptance of other religions.

comparing other religious text to the bible.

You will learn to love and accept not only your beliefs but the beliefs of others when you understand them more. You will also become a better person from it.

Reply:I think training for marriage should start very early. Young men need to know how to act while dating and while in marriage.

I would discuss these topics.

1. As mentioned by other's, abstinence. In conjunction with that I would talk about avoiding movies, magazines or people which would lead us into compromising our values. I would always talk about consequences-sexually transmitted diseases incuding aids, pregnancy and the financial and emotional burdens that go with that. How it affects not only them but the girl, the child, both sets of parents and how it interferes with plans for future and careers and a later marriage. Also how God is opposed to abortion. Plenty of scriptures dealing with this topic in the Bible.

2. I would talk about substance abuse. I would talk about how the Lord is against drunkeness and other related behaviors. This is an important topic, both during high school and college years. I would let them know how one episode can destroy lives and futures, and even result in prison time, through a traffic related death. I would teach them how to say no, how to chose Christian friends who don't drink. I would let them know about real life problems, how a dwi can affect insurance by 100s a month, give on a criminal record, affect getting into school and jobs, etc, etc.

3. I would teach them about dealing with anger. I would talk about bad decisions that are made in anger. How God says we can be angry but not sin. How much better to deal in peace and gentleness. I think many teens and adults need to learn self control. It is a fruit of the spirit.It will help as a teen and also when they are married.

4. I would teach wisdom about money. God encourages hard work, good stewardship. Talk about the prodigal son spending his inheritance. When given money to care for one just buried it, instead of getting his master a return. I would talk importance of saving, tithing, avoiding debt, especially credit cards. Also not coveting, when we don't covet we don't want to spend as much.

5. I would teach on the subject of honoring ones parents. Instead of thinking parents don't know anything parents have much wisdom to offer. Think on how they can bless their parents and show maturity. Help out around house without being asked. Not putting down parents or being sarcastic.

6. I would teach on the golden rule. How they can treat others incuding friends, teachers, family. How they need to show love for brothers and sisters. How God sees not just how we treat strangers but our families too. How we can welcome people into our friendship who might not be popular. How Jesus wants us to show love for all, even those who can't repay us.

7. I would teach the importance of prayer and studying God's word. That what they learn has consequences for generations to come as they marry, and teach their children and grandchildren. I'd teach them to be on the lookout for temptation and how to avoid it. To keep the Sabbath holy,and to not slip away from the church as they grow older and get into college. By staying in the Word and keeping focused and praying one can best follow the Lord's plan for one's life.
Reply:Cussing and foul language, or purity..
Reply:The tabernacle is my favourite or God's covenants

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