Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bible Study Question For Christian Homeschoolers....?

I have been discussing the ten commandemnts one at a time with my 6 year old every morning when we do bible study before school. Its time to discuss the 7th commandment "Do not commit adultry." What would be a good way to explain this to a six year old who doesn't know about sex yet (we want to keep it that way for now too)?

Bible Study Question For Christian Homeschoolers....?
Adultery doesn't just mean sex, so you don't have to explain that part to him/her. It can be having romantic love for someone other than your spouse.
Reply:What a beautiful answer. It certainly reminds me to keep my heart and motives in check. Report Abuse

Reply:Difficult - it may be easier to stick to the remain in marraige line, that a man and woman once wed should remain wed, or that married people should remain faithful or in love with each other for ever. I think that might get the concept over.

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