Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bible study by yourself?

Does anyone know of a good book or online bible study program that you can do on your own? BESIDES the bible. Please no body say "Just read your bible" or any other variation. Of course I'm going to read the bible first and formost. I enjoy the bible study group at my church, but over the summer it is hard to do while my daughter is out of school. We have always had an accompanying workbook that explains the significance of certain things and made it easier to see why certain things were so important and unusual. It would also ask questions for you to think about and I always got so much more out of the bible study than if I had just read the bible on it's own.

Bible study by yourself?
The Preacher's Commentary series is what you are looking for. Click here to see it:

You can buy them one book at a time as you study the Bible and they have questions at the end of the chapters like you asked for.

I am delighted that "Chris" (above) has given you a link to Constable's Notes!!! I didn't know this site was available and I'm very excited about it! THANKS CHRIS!!!! I had downloaded Constable's Notes onto my Palm PDA and have really enjoyed them. I had never heard of him before, but I have found his work to be superb!

I would also recommend this commentary by Merril F. Unger. It covers the Old Testament in one volume. I just recieved mine this week and I have fallen in love with it. I already had Unger's Bible Dictionary which I also love. Click here to see:

Other commentaries I would recommend are Thru The Bible by J. Vernon McGee (a 5 volume set can be found used for as low as $25 or you can buy the individual books for less than $5 each). And you can download this commentary in MP3 format for FREE!!!! at

The Daily Study Bible series by William Barclay is also excellent.


I also love using the John MacArthur Commentaries. He is very thorough (his commentary on Matthew alone spans 4 volumes!) I have met John personally and He is a truly genuine and devoted man of God.

Good Luck! I hope this helps!
Reply:Here is a website that teaches the meaning of every verse of every Book of the Bible:

Here's a website that teaches the importance of God's grace, and has many articles about it:

Here's a website helpful with apologetics:
Reply:Be very careful on the online Bible studies.

The Church of Christ, I would avoid because they believe in a post rapture; misleading the readers.

Ask your local pastor, that would be your best choice; or go to your local Christian Book store and search the ones they have. There are some really good ones that you can do at your own pace.
Reply:Hello Luvurbaby:

Of course you need read the Bible in an attitude of prayer, but there is one part that says you can't understand it until the end of the days. Give it a try. Read chapter 12 of Daniel with a humble heart, and it won't make full sense.

Then, discover the key to break the code at

Once you read it, it will open the scriptures for you.

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
Reply:I can provide you with an attachment to a couple of bible studies that I prepared for a group I teach on Wednesday nights. Email me and I will reply and send them to you. Hope you enjoy!
Reply:This is really amazing:
Reply:read 'Paradise Lost' for a counterpoint to the bible, and probably 'Paradise Regained' or something like that.
Reply:My church made this site and it's called and it gives daily devotionals that my pastor set up. its fun because you can learn a lot of stuff.
Reply:I've done some of the Beth Moore studies with a workbook and just skip the videos. I enjoy them very much.

Many other authors have workbooks as might try a Christian bookstore.
Reply:check out and both have wonderful answers and studies.
Reply:There are lots of helps:

for example.
Reply:I think is is biblegateway - on line
Reply:"What Does the Bible Really Teaches?" You can request for this free book to help you with your bible.

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