Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does teaching things like science and math in grade school take valuable time away from Bible study?

Shouldn't those classes be replaced with Bible classes? When do people ever use science or math in real life anyway?

Also, are we going to roam anytime soon?

Does teaching things like science and math in grade school take valuable time away from Bible study?
Yes... the only really important part of math and science which needs to be known and understood... and which the bible tells us... is the number '3'... which represents both the number of entities in the Trinity, and the value of 'pi'.

Others might tell us that the number '42' also has some profound significance... but they are heretical Adamsists, and should either be stoned or burned at the stake.

Reply:No, this should not take any time at all since the people who worry about such things are science and math disadvantaged anyway. They can spend this time remembering scripture and trying to continue to memorize it in their heads. If asked a question, what difference would it make, they would get the answers wrong anyway.
Reply:When do people ever use science or math!? Are you kidding, or are you just ignorant? The computer you used to write this idiotic comment was brought to you courtesy of math and science, the medicine you take for your mental problem is brought to you courtesy of math and science, everything you see around you in your home or neighborhood or city was brought to you courtesy of math and science. Tell me what has the Bible done for anyone, except create war?
Reply:The scary thing is how few people noticed that this was a sarcastic remark....
Reply:Ooh, let's roam!!

I have to remember to delete mine this time, got a violation notice for asking how to plant things in my garden so that the neighbors and cops can't see in...
Reply:No, they don't. Teaching kids about the world and the laws that govern it are necessary. We need to learn about how math works, about our environment, about history, geography, literature, and languages. We need to know about what is going on around us and in the world. We will be effected by it all. Children need to know how to deal with life. School teaches them to be well rounded and adjusted individuals.

Christian values teach people how to conduct their personal life. I believe this is important too but not to the extent that everything else is unnecessary or unimportant.

Balance in life is important. To place all of your emphasis on religious teaching and ignore everything else would, in my opinion, will produce an unbalanced individual that will have great difficulty in dealing with the real world he/she is living in.
Reply:what do kids need with math and science?

bible classes are definitely more relevant to today's world. all kids need to know can be gained from the bible.

Reply:Well... I had science and math in school and also found time to read the Bible... so I guess all is necessary to be an educated, well rounded person.
Reply:why don't we replace all instances of bible study with science and math? that's a much better idea

I know some Lutherans who really believe that.
Reply:grab your cell phone, leave town and you will be on roam
Reply:No. Since the lionshare of students in the U.S. attend public schools, your question is irrelevant to reality. People use math and science daily -- banking/budgeting requires math and knowing not to mix bleach and amonia is science. BIBLE study is vital but no longer used as a reading text.

If your real question is shouldn't students spend more time in BIBLE study during some church childrens' programs then your point is well taken and a valid question.
Reply:For our sake, God is a God of logic and order, although He can of course work outside of those parameters (= miracles). However, when we study math and science, we can see how He works and hence appreciate His amazing greatness and mind all the more..
Reply:try baking a cake with out science and math....

Reply:I sincerely hope that math and science take away from Bible study.
Reply:Yes! And that helps explain why China and India just graduated 700,000 engineers compared to 70,000 in the US.

God will provide all of the technology we need.

teeth sundance

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