There are a few thing that I disagree with the Teacher on. I live in a Senior apt. complex. There was the time when she told a man that he wasn't welcome in our class that it was a Women's only class. We study the Bible, Jesus is our Lord! There are no women's discussions. Then she informed us that her Pastor (she come's in from the outside) said that Obama is the anti-christ and that he will distroy our country. I just feel very unconfortable around her as I disagree with her on both of these points and one small point is she end's her prayers with "In your name." Not In "In Jesus' name" Jeus told us to pray to the Father, not pray to him.I have a frien who has already dropped out.
Should I drop out of my Bible study group?
It sounds like there is a wolf in the hen-house, and unless you feel rightly that you'll tame this ferocious beast, I'd certainly leave for the, sanity of your own peace of mind, and sanctity of your own heart and soul.
We are required to love all our relatives of creation, regardless of the fangs and claws, to enter the heaven of reunion with God, but we are to be wise enough to avoid our own destruction from the influence of others desires for the taste of flesh.
Bless and do not curse, but do not keep company with the ungodly unwilling to change, for disease of the soul is more dangerous and contagious than of the body. Never ever hate, always bless, for hate itself is the disease.
God bless.
Reply:Thank you and God bless; with regards to my my fellow sage advisers -Blessings. Report Abuse
Reply:Drop out my friend. Before doing that, ask in whose name is "your name" and tell her it should be in Jesus name and also tell the bible study class of the false and ask them to drop out because of that.
You'll be saving some lives from going to hell if you do that.
Reply:Pamela, I am in your contacts as you well know. I also know that you teach Sunday School in your Building. If you feel uncomfortable with this woman I would advise you to drop out. We know that we are to pray "in Jesus name" because we are praying to The Father and not to Jesus. I agree with others that have said about starting your own Bible study group. Pray about it and follow what God places on your heart to do. God'God Bless You, you sound like a very nice person.
Reply:If you leave you will not be able to influence those that are left, including the teacher.
Reply:Lift it up to God.... maybe you are there to help the teacher
Reply:she sounds like a bigoted idiot. Start your own group with your friend!
Reply:Sounds like nit-picky things to me. Is she Biblically incorrect in what she teaches? Are you learning Bible truths in the class?
Why not just let her know you disagree with the two points you mentioned?
Reply:Yeah drop out and do something worthwhile with the precious time you have left!
Do you agree on her biblical teachings? If you do, then don't rock the boat. Take her aside privately and talk with her.
Galatians 6:1-3 Brethren, if a man is overtaken (be found out) in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore (to a former state) such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourelf lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (love). 3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing he deceives himself.
She may come from a church that teaches women should not usurp authority over the man. Which is biblically correct. A woman should not teach men or a mixed group. When a boy reaches the age of 12 he should be taught by men. That's not to say that a mother, grandmother, aunt, sister can't instruct a male member of the family ... Eunice and Lois with Timothy.
Paul addresses this issue with Timothy.
Women in public worship
I Timothy 2:11-14 Let a woman learn in silence (be quiet in spirit) with all submission. 12 And I do not permit (turn to) a woman to teach or to have authority (having total mastery over) over a man, but to be in silence (settled down). 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
Titus 2:3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of sound things - 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet (sober minded), chaste, homemakers (keepers of the home), good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
If she is teaching false doctrine, then leave but let her know why you are leaving and be able to back it up with Scripture.
Reply:Dear Pamela,
those things would bother me, too! yet take care not to be judgmental of her. praying for God's wisdom in the matter comes first. and talk with her directly about your concerns, if possible.
maybe she believes women shouldn't teach men; that might explain why she insists the class is only for women. and she's only human - we all have shortcomings and blind spots.
i wonder if you could raise your concerns in the group. ask what they think about whose name we pray in - no matter what the answers, it would give you the opportunity to share the scriptures that explain why you pray in the name of Jesus.
or gently tell the group that you came to discuss the bible, and wonder if they also find it distracting to get off onto other topics, like politics (or whatever).
disagreements offer a unique opportunity for personal growth if we face them with integrity. and sometimes new friendships are forged in the process!
your friend, jen :)
Reply:I'd dump her like a bad date.
Reply:Get into the Word of God, and allow the Spirit of Truth to lead and guide you into ALL Truth !
Forget all the doctrines you've heard all your life and " Hear what the Spirit is saying to His church " !
Reply:I would say leave but in all honesty I'd encourage anyone else that doesn't buy it to leave too. There is no reason to stay in that. You are there to study the bible, not listen to political BS of a rabid bigot.
Reply:I would. Start your own.
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