Monday, April 26, 2010

TO ALL FAITHS: How many of you study your bible, or other religious texts, daily and truly mean it?

Do you study them just because your supposed to or because you actually want to? Whether it be your bible, the koran, or the torah, or any other religious texts for that matter, i would like to know.

TO ALL FAITHS: How many of you study your bible, or other religious texts, daily and truly mean it?
I study the Bible everyday. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is pray to The Lord and ask for protection and guidance. In the Bible we find the essence of God's character, love and compassion. Every story and lesson narrated in the Bible is meant to show us God's immense love for His children.

As a young person, I have realized that without God I am nothing. The more I read the Bible, the more understand how undeserving I am of His love. I will forever be greatful for His sacrifice on the Cross.
Reply:The Christian Bible is an amazing piece of literature. I believe it to be true, so I am encouraged by the countless examples of faith in action and the Christians who stuck it out through persecution. It also gives me life tools that are helpful to me with fufilling my purpose (sharing God's unconditional love with the whole world). That coupled with spending time in prayer with whom I believe to be my Creator and Savior makes for a rich day to day experience.
Reply:Hallelujah and amen....Yes, I try to read the BIble daily.
Reply:I do on a regular basis. Some days I don't feel like it and I close it because if I forced myself to read it, then I don't get anything out of what I read.
Reply:i don't and i don't care to start...
Reply:I do! It is my passion. I even passed up great colleges and incredible scholarships to go to a Bible Institute. I study daily the Bible, even if it's just 1 verse I meditate on... I make it a priority. I also study other religions as well... not daily, but 2-3 times a week! It's so thought provoking to me!
Reply:I study it so that I can learn. The bible says study to show your self approved. I study because I want to learn more, I want to be fed spritually. I want to know more about the God I serve. I study to keep Gods word in my heart. I can go on and on. I study because I love the Lord and yes I do mean it.
Reply:I don't manage it daily. I attempt to, and my intentions are good, but alas...I just can't always make it happen. I manage it almost daily, and I find if I wait until night, when the house is still, the kid is in bed and the cat is curled up beside me - I can truly have meaningful time with my Bible reading. When I do it in the mornings, I tend to be hasty about it.
Reply:I read the Bible everyday. Plus do Bible studies on weekends. Because I want too. Nobody is more important to me that GOD. And God should be number one to all people.

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