Thursday, April 15, 2010

Have any Good ideas for a bible study???????

I am starting a bible study and i need some good books to study or verses to read!!!! Or activitys to do..................please give me some ideas

Have any Good ideas for a bible study???????
Captivating Your Heart by Eldredge

This is a great book, or Wild at Heart also by Eldredge, the books really cut to the quick of the Christians heart and what God really intended it to be.
Reply:There are two books by Navigator Press.

One is "The Pursuit of Holiness" and the other "The pursuit of Godliness"

Another is "Jesus in the Feasts of Israel"

All are designed for Bible Study and should be a part of any serious Christian's personal library.
Reply:Beth Moore series Daniel....EXCELLENT and very accurate for the world that we are living in right now.
Reply:I believe that being familiar with the Bible and having the mindset to apply it everyday, is how we learn how it...well, how it applies to us. I'd say read the Bible, and be open to what He is telling you in the Bible and in life. Honestly, I don't think I can tell you what God is telling you - only you can know that.
Reply:Read Deuteronomy, and a lot of Romans--Very good Bible study devices in there.
Reply:spurgeons books are great! or john calvin! best webpages are sermon or!
Reply:Acts 3:19-20 Therefore be ye repentant, and be ye converted, that your sins be done away, that when the times of refreshing shall come from the sight of the Lord, 20 and he shall send that Jesus Christ, that is now preached to you.

If you can grasp the entire meaning of these two verses, you will grasp the central doctrines and objectives of the Christian faith and the Christian life.
Reply:Murder in the Bible. It's fascinating
Reply:Pray and sing to music

Use a Strong's Concordance (use to search for words in a verse in the bible).Helps find verses.

Take notes and study for each lesson (have a subject)

Greek-Hebrew interlinear if you want to study the original languages.

Can ask a biblical question and have a discussion (remind everyone it is a friendly dicussion).

bowling,bar-b-q or "pot blessing" is good:(everyone who can bring some food to share).

Reply:Search For Significance

great book to do a study on. it talks about discovering our inherent worth as a creation and child of God instead of relying on the accepted societal perceptions of an individuals worth based on accomplishments or possessions. a lot more to it than that, but definitely worth delving into with a group of people!
Reply:In a society where Domestic Violence is rampant, perhaps Christian woman need to know that there is scripture that does support that they don't need to be in that situation. Let me explain. I was an abused wife but I was saved and could not figure out if I was a sinner if I left my husband or not. I have since studied and asked my pastor and talked alot about faith, expectations in marriage and what God's expectations are of us. I think if you are starting a bible study you could reach alot of abused woman and then perhaps their husbands could get the help they needed.

I was one of the lucky ones, I finally left, knowing the Lord loved as much as when I was with my husband. It was along process but now he is saved and we have reconciled. Good Luck, there is scripture that does support this throughout the whole bible. "A man should love his wife as Jesus loved the church"
Reply:Study why Jesus was of the order of Melchesidec
Reply:I think it would be good to read the Acts of the Apostles and see how the church started.
Reply:A very sincere question which has unveiled opinions probably not solicited..Nonetheless don't be discouraged,Am unable to add to the excellent answers already received..
Reply:Pick a topic, any Bible topic and start of study of that particular topic. Create a "scripture chain" where you read on scripture about, say, "fasting from eating." Then go through the Bible, finding as many scriptures as you can about abstaining from food in order to feel the spirit, etc. You "chain" together all of the scriptures by marking a verse and finding in the footnotes other verses found eleswhere about the same topic.
Reply:Start with "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
Reply:James 3:20 is good. Faith without works is dead faith. And works without faith are dead works. Then you can tie it with Ephesians 2:8-9. You are saved by grace through faith and not of yourselves. It is a gift from God. Not of works lest any man boast.

*works are good deeds, being a good person, etc.

Hope this helps, God bless :)
Reply:You must get the audiences attention it is very important because after there first impression of you. They may not come to your bible study anymore which would be sad. What I would do is have it a hands on experence just like vacation bible school or at least for me. Make the learning intertaining so people aren't borred so they can get the most out of the bible study by learning about God. Hope everything goes well.
Reply:Being that it is springtime, the book of Song of Solomon makes for an interesting seasonal study; I like the allegorical interpretation which understands the book as a spiritual portrait of the love between Christ and His people. The Gospel of John is always good too, especially with Easter upcoming. +++
Reply:I would go through the book of Mark. It deepens our understanding of Who Jesus is, and what discipleship is about. The Scriptures are better than commentaries.
Reply:Yeah, stand up and pronounce that god as well as all religions is a hoax. That many people have died in the name of religion and that many more will continue to until religion ends. It SEPARATES people.
Reply:throw the bible in the trash and think for yourself.

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