Thursday, April 15, 2010

So if its ok to teach bible study in public school then?

would it be ok to teach darwinism and sex education as an elective to?

So if its ok to teach bible study in public school then?
Which Bible? Whose Bible? Which version?

If they are going to allow ANY religion to be taught they should include ALL, and by that Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, etc.

All side by side!

If we were taught to understand and not demonize each other we wouldn't have half of these so-called religions of "peace" threatening to incinerate the earth and the rest of us!

And we all know that this nation does a piss poor job of sex ed since abstinence only took over, and our science IQ has been heading south fast with the mischief of intelligent design, a pretty silly oxymoron if there ever was one.
Reply:WE DO!!!!! OMG sex education is mandatory!
Reply:Bring Darwinism into the churches. Force them to read some evolution on sundays. Acutally the thing that galls me to no end on this subject is the whole fish thing. Christians have a cute little fish on their cars thats fine with or without a little cross for an eye. Science types get a little fish with feet kind of cute really. Neocons what do they do? They get a truth fish eating the little darwin fish. Several issues actually exist with this...

we know they are trying to say creationism consumes evolution but really why such a violent image? Their first thought is to kill the Darwin fish, not have a chat or invite him to sunday school and buy him a donut. Its pretty much you're a different fish so die.

I want a new scene for the neocons a little Islam fish getting a blade thru the heart by a Christian fish that has a little shield and a sword
Reply:The way the PC school system is these days they might start to teach the KORAN., But say it is a tool of peace to justify the ***-backward grey-haired pony tailed instructors holding a job.
Reply:Uh I went to public school and they already teach that but they never taught bible study so I dont know exactly what you are saying
Reply:Hello.... they already teach both Darwin and sex ed, and it's not an elective, its mandatory.
Reply:Why not?

When it is part of our creator's universal gifts of life with the fishing line, hooks and sinkers in one new universal language and one speech vital for the survival and advancment of living human kind in time in planet of apes.

On Darwinism?

Check it out with the zoo-keeper?

Ask How long the ape-men has been with the zoo?

Ask did any of the ape-men slip out in executive suits working for all the MNC in planet of apes.

Or were they still enjoying themselves with bananas in planet of apes?

Ever wonder how the educated idiots were making a monkey out of themselves were like them too in planet of apes.

Simple common sense.

They go and mess it up with science and mathematics with time getting kick on their butts by little horror chucky and the were-wolves for making a monkey out of them living in misery in planet of apes.

On sex education.

Ever wonder who got themselves kick on the butts in making sex education into pornography in schools in breaking our creator's universal laws and make them into sinners when they were so innocent in school in planet of apes?

Luke 18 1-30

Ever wonder why the dirty old men like to hang around in picking lilies of the fields in planet of apes?
Reply:Well if we can pray in schools we should be able to install wishing wells which produce the same 50/50 results.
Reply:I have no problem with controversial topics being taught in public schools...


the schools are doing an adequate job of teaching the uncontroversial stuff. I don't want school resources being diverted to teach Bible classes or the P.C. flavor of the month as long as the kids are counting to eleventy and learning to spell "ain't."

OK, I'm exagerrating a bit. If the schools had a better track record of teaching math, chemistry, grammar, etc. then I would say, "Sure, go ahead and have the Bible study, the sex ed. or whatever."
Reply:They already teach darwinism, and Sex Ed, along with Secular Humanism. As far as im concerned brining the Bible into the school is the best thing they can do, since they are already teaching a religion, secular humanism, in schools.


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