Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pleez need help youth bible study...? any one involed with church please help me...?

i am in my youth group for my church and have to do a bible study on galations chapter 5. i read it but i dont understand it at all. ive been all over the internet. and i am broke so icant go buy any books .. (this is for teens 12-18 ) *cri* please help...

Pleez need help youth bible study...? any one involed with church please help me...?
Galatians 5

is the challenge of our mortal lives against what God would have for us

see : 19 - 21

Our works in our lives are sinful, and we need to replace it with

: 22 - 23

With the fruit

I emphasise 1 fruit........of the Spirit.

if you obey laws to be circumcised or doing religious rites and acts, then you have fallen from grace, see verse 1 - 4

If you live by faith, you will suffer the persecution for the cross of Jesus, as you will be living by the words of the Bible, and you will be instantly at odds with ppl and hated for you will be acting very strange to them.

eg. you will put off the flesh works in verse 19 - 21 and start lookiung like Jesus, by become a good peice of fruitful niceness, you will become different as now the Fruit of the Spirit of God will make you a Godly presence to all that know you .........

sorry for all the paraphrasing, but only God can guide you to understaning the Bible, if your heart is in it.........

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