Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun bible study ideas?

I am going to have a home bible study, with a mixed group of people (new Christians, a non-Christian, and mature Christians). It will cover a diff topic each time, so that if someone misses a study they don't feel they have missed out.

Do you have any ideas for:

- ice breakers

- study topics

- ideas to make the study successful %26amp; interesting for all the types of people who will attend

Thank you!


Fun bible study ideas?
I have had many different bible studies with different age groups.

Ice breakers are usually best with food. I generally had snacks and drinks. I tried to make something fun like peach tea, with frozen peaches thrown in, or brownies with M%26amp;M's all different colors.

If it was the youth group, we could pick a color of M%26amp;M's and do research on how it was in the bible.

Many times I would ask everyone for topics that they would like to study, or if the would like a follow along study like a Beth Moore type study.

If it was all women, I would have some candles lit, and some great upbeat music playing, it made a fun atmosphere to walk into. Not all formal, but warm and inviting.

If it was couples we would have places for both people to sit together, and did many studies on couples such as Ruth and Boaz.

It really depends on how deep you plan on going, into the word. If you will choose your topic for the next mtg. you can have a study sheet, or email everyone.

I would also have everyone make sure tell their names, give email if they would like a summary of the weeks mtg, and what to study for the next week.

Wow, I was sitting here typing all this and it made me realize how much I miss having all that going on in my home.

Maybe it is time to start again.
Reply:How about actually studying rather than regurgitating. Things like a fornicate is the arched entryway to a walled city. Why would fornicators be so evil. Adutery, for 300 years meant molesting children. Only in the last 100 years did it become to mean sex out side of marriage. Why did that change. Why is men having sex with men in Leviticus where they talk about health issues, not lifestyle issues.
Reply:Ice Breaker:

--The Rainbow Game: On slips of paper, write down each color of the rainbow with a corresponding question.

RED: When did you heed a warning? or When has life stopped you in your tracks?

ORANGE: What motivates you? or What energizes you?

YELLOW: What is the best idea you've ever had? or When was the happiest time in your life?

GREEN: What would you do with $1 million? or In what area of your life do you want to grow?

BLUE: What is your dream for the future? or Where do you feel most peaceful?

INDIGO: What is the most unusual place you've been in? or What makes you unique?

VIOLET: If you could be king/queen for a day, what would you do? or What was your proudest moment?

Study Topics: Probably start with something light, like praises in the Psalms, or even see if you can find stories behind different hymns/praise %26amp; worship songs. You could do life issues, like dealing with self-esteem and being valued in God's eyes, parenting or relationships (if that's relevant). Characters/personalities from the Bible is always interesting.

Keeping it interesting: Be sure you have lots of questions that keep everyone involved, not just "who said this?" or "what happened?" questions, but opinion questions and questions that require a lot of thought.

Good luck!
Reply:Thanks for the "ice breaker" idea, Starfall! I intend to use it! I, too am a small group leader. It's all women - mostly Beth Moore studies. Might not be appropriate for mixed studies (men and women), tho. Beth is an easy teacher and has homework everynight so you're always in the Word. But you want to do something fresh every week. That's great. Also, I pick up little goodies at the local Christian book store. Carved wooden bookmarks, keychains, lapel pins, etc, as prizes for memorization. It's kinda fun.

Best to you! I'm excited for you. I'm in Revelation right now - not exactly a "light topic" for new believers. So choose something out of the gospels first - allow the newbies to get to know Jesus. The mature Christians can add to what they know and have studied for years.

katiefish %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:Get a book called New Testament Lessonmaker, it give topics, and great questions.

Pretty much either start your Bible study with a Joke or a story that goes along with your study, There are lots of good web sites on line about Bible study.
Reply:How about having everyone start with deuteronomy. It gives a great outlook of everything.
Reply:Use the King James Bible.

Discuss the errors and verses missing in the OTHER "bibles"

--%26gt; http://www.avpublications.com

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