Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One week of residential bible study?

I have a free week in June and i'd be interested in going to a residential bible study course somewhere in the UK. Anyone have any ideas where i'd find this? thanks for your help and only sensible answers please!

One week of residential bible study?
I don't know of any places where there is such available, however, that does not mean there is none. I have looked on the internet for you but cannot see anything for just a week.

The only alternative I can think of is to try a few Bible conference centres. There is one in Darby in England, called Hayes conference centre.

I have thought of a second alternative, and that is Christian guest houses.

I hope you find what your looking for!
Reply:If you can find a Vineyard Church, they usually have many smaller home groups that meet sometime during the week.

These are usually enjoyable, but of course it does depend on your tastes and the people who are opening their home for this.

But, I still recomend that you check around for a Vineyard and see if they can help you out.
Reply:One whole week of Bible study? I'd rather disembowel myself with a blunt pair of nasal-hair trimmers than go through that!

And as far as I'm concerned this is the only half-way sensible answer you're going to get!
Reply:Contact family@thefamily.org and ask them. They're Christian Missionaries and have worldwide bases even in the UK.
Reply:Have you inquired at your own congregation or congregations in your area? I would start there.

God bless!
Reply:Try the rejesus website.

God bless you.

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