Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bible Study Software?

Hi, I've been searching for a Bible study software for personal study %26amp; growth (can be somewhat in-depth). Part of the reason is due to the fact that I'm going to be going to the missions field and I don't wish to carry a lot of books around. I saw 3 Bible study softwares that interested me, QuickVerse, Logos %26amp; PC Bible Study. Now as I said earlier I'm only looking for software for personal study %26amp; growth, so which one or if there is another one I haven't found yet, would best fit what I'm looking for? Also if I was to go with Logos, would I be able to unlock the Tyndale Bible dictionary, if I happen to go with the Bible Study Library and would I be able to add Nelson's Bible dictionary and possibly Nelson study Bible notes as well?

Bible Study Software?
Forget the software.Go to blueletterbible.com . It has everything you will need and its free and scratch resistant.It also has everything you mentioned here.
Reply:Don't overlook the fact that actioncjl is headed to the mission field where internet access may be limited. Having the books on your hard drive is probably a better option. I'd go with Logos since they have so many books available. Report Abuse

Reply:DUH DUH@!!!!! e-sword! Report Abuse

Reply:me personaly I love quick verse. It's easy to use.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nelson's Bible Dictionary with Bible Outlines is included in all PC Study Bible Libraries. You can check content for all 6 libraries at http://www.biblesoft.com/new/products/libraries/compare.asp.
