Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are some good Bible Study Materials?

I am in need of good Bible study materials for starting up 2 Bible study groups. One will be for teenage girls and the other one will be for young adults (early 20's). If you have any ideas for fun activities with girls that would be great too! Anyone else in young girl's ministry?

What are some good Bible Study Materials?
The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis. Discuss the awareness of sin in today's youth.
Reply:You should start by Praying for the Lord to open His word to you that you may understand it in his way and not yours. There is nothing wrong with looking for study materials, But you should seek God's advive first! and you will learn so much more!
Reply:Do you really want to promote the Bible?

Did you know there are literally thousands of different religious sects on this planet. Check your local phone book under churches. Can only one of them be right? How can you be confident you are right and the rest are wrong? Don't people simply believe in the religion they were raised under. Chinese are Budhist, Israeli's are Jewish, Syrians are moslems, etc. etc. Brainwashing socialization.

Don't you think the Human race is still in the dark ages as a species. We believe in weird religions, our nations, fear controls us, violence persists and war is constant. Ignorance dominates knowledge throughout large areas of the world and we don't even understand what the real truth is.

The human race is in toddler mode - scared of monsters under the bed, wetting our pants after a goblin story, believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. We need to grow up and get away from goblins, witches, angels, demons, gods and devils.

Knowledge is the path to truth. Don't depend on old books written by scared little men with political agendas back before they had indoor plumbing. Those books/religions require the truth be disregarded. The Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon etc. etc. are all loaded with contradictions to science. The way to tell if something is true is through testable, repeatable observation. Not praying, hoping and worshiping something that is only in your mind.

Get an education and gain knowledge about the observable world, and then you can think on your own and be responsible for your own actions as a legitimate member of the human race that has been delivered from the dark ages.

It's the only chance we as a species has to survive the horrors and carnage of war. Look at what's going on in the middle east - all religion is loaded with misinformation. Knowledge will set you free of your ignorance.

Spread the real truth and maybe we'll all be saved . . . from our ignorance.
Reply:Matthew, mark, Luke, and John.
Reply:First I would suggest going to a Christian Book Store.

Second, a great book, especiall for a group is "The Purpose Driven Life" it is a spiritual journey to understanding better why we are here on Earth and Gods plan for us. You can go to for more info.
Reply:you may want The Battlefield of the Mind for Teens by Joyce Meyer.

this book is about winning the mental battles we all face in our walk with the Lord, and she has workbooks too

another good book to mull over would be Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory... this book is really interesting, it's what would happen if someone had dinner with Jesus....
Reply:board games, guessing games, trivia..have fun w/ it. good luck.
Reply:Try a student bible, Some give information about what you are reading

great site

i hope this helps
Reply:You may like some "helps" to create interest but I have been a Bible teacher for over 40 years and and the great need today is to teach people young and old how to study just the Bible. Try just opening the Bible, reading it, praying over it and seeking for wisdom from God. Not very many people do that anymore, because it requires a fair amount of preparation and more "homework" for the students, but the benefits are remarkable. Follow systematic study and do not allow your study to get "hung up" on non essential doctrines.
Reply:A Bible might be a good study material...
Reply:Feel free to check out

There are a couple of short courses, overviews of the different books of the Bible, and other relevant Bible-study resources (at the link above).


Reply:Great question. My friend just put together...I think you might be able to find some stuff there?
Reply:I would start in the book of Acts, reading and using a bible dictionary and a concordance.
Reply:Whatever you do DO NOT USE Rick Warrens, THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. It glorifies Rick warren, he has made a fortune selling this book, he twists Scripture to make it say what he wants it to say. He uses 15 different bible verses to prove whatever point HE wants to make. Thereby using Gods word to fit in with HIS thinking. He also tells you to put away your bibles and read his book only for 40 days! Please choose the Bible over Warrens books. He is like the TV evangelists who have become very rich overnight and use the twisting of Gods word for their own ends.
Reply:Revalations make a go over the seven seals and the seven trumpets. READ REVATATIONS YOU'LL THINK OF SOMETING

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