Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is it inappropriate to hold a Bible study on company property at lunch?

Some of my co-workers have started a Bible study group that meets in a company conference room at lunchtime. I don't practice a religion and feel this is totally inappropriate. Am I wrong?

Is it inappropriate to hold a Bible study on company property at lunch?
yes... you are wrong....people are on their "off" time.....remember they have rights too.....and they are not bothering do not have to participate......what people discuss during their lunch is their own business.

if you wanted to hold "non-religious" would also have the right to do that.
Reply:Yes you are wrong

They area welcome to do that as long as it is on their time. You don't have to go and you don't have to bother them

Have your own meeting. As long as you don't break the law or the company rules such as sexual harassment you can have your own group.
Reply:As long as the Bible study is not mandatory by the company, as long as no one "forces" you to attend, and as long as they are not talking so loud that someone who may be in the lunchroom who does not wish to attend the study is not disturbed, then these folks have the right to meet in the lunchroom and discuss anything they wish.

Elder G~
Reply:They are on their own time in a public place even if it is provided by the company. Similar to comfort's provided for an ambassador outside of his country in any foreign land.

However if they have a sign stating "No Smoking" or the like, it needs to be respected.
Reply:Yes you are wrong. It would be totally inappropriate if your boss or manager required you to go, but you have a choice. You do not have to go to this Bible study. I think it is awesome that they are having a Bible study at work. That is hard to do because people judge you very hard sometimes.
Reply:Yes, you are wrong, just don't go.
Reply:I believe most have given you an answer. I would just add the question of why does it offend you? I feel offened to go to lunch and hear people gossiping about others, I feel offened when others sit together and don't welcome all to be in on the conversation.

I can see you may not like the topic but all are offened at some point. Try to understand their side and that they are spending their time how they feel is worth their day. You have just as much the right as they do.

If they are inappropriate about trying to get you to join in or are using inappropriate language then I would let them know.

I also think if anyone ever has a problem with other, be a grown up and talk to them about your feeling (lovingly) and you may be surprised how they respond.
Reply:I'm really not seeing a problem with it.
Reply:Why would that be inappropriate. If they are doing it on their own time I don't see the problem with it. If it were your boss holding a meeting that you have to attend than that would be a problem. If you don't like it don't go to it.

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