Sunday, November 15, 2009

Does anyone lead a youth group or bible study? If so do you have any topic/discussion ideas?

I co-lead a Bible study and am starting to run out of good topic ideas. Our topics have ranged from encouragement, to Hipocracy, to the church, to witnessing. We sometimes do more discussing than studying the Bible. While other times we study the Bible alot.

Does anyone have any ideas of things we could discuss at a College age Bible study??

Does anyone lead a youth group or bible study? If so do you have any topic/discussion ideas?
I thik that studying the Book of Genesis is essential to understanding the New Testament.

The Book of Genesis has sometimes been called the "seed-plot" of the entire Bible. Most of the major doctrines in the Bible are introduced in "seed" form in the Book of Genesis. Along with the fall of man, God's promise of salvation or redemption is recorded (Genesis 3:15). The doctrines of creation, imputation of sin, justification, atonement, depravity, wrath, grace, sovereignty, responsibility, and many more are all addressed in this "seed" Book called Genesis.

Many of the great questions of life are answered in Genesis. (1) Where have I come from? (answered in Genesis 1:1 - God created us for a purpose) (2) Why am I here? (answered in Genesis 15:6 - we are here to have a relationship with God) (3) Where am I going? (answered in Genesis 25:8 - we have a destination after death). Genesis has appeal to the scientist, the historian, the theologian, the housewife, the farmer, the traveler, and the man or woman of God.
Reply:Unbiased discussion on other religions, so they do not hold onto ignorant ideas.
Reply:singles and the Bible

what the Bible says about angels

how to maintain your faith in a fallen world

career choices
Reply:Discuss the importance of prayer.

Talk about gossip, how the words you use can harm someone.
Reply:sexual issues, faith, relationships, peer pressures, careers, obedience, ministry callings, discipleship, witnessing to other religions, missionary work, mentorship, trainings/college, the value of education, marriage, singleness, servanthood, gifts of the spirit
Reply:Study the history of the bible, how it came to be in the form we have it today.
Reply:Go to
Reply:when i was religious---i started a "prayer" group in one of the most dangerous areas of cleveland...

i hope i can help but all we did was select certain scripture and basically told the other members WHAT it specifically said to us and WHAT it mean to us...

maybe you could hold a meeting based on just a kinda "free for all" study in which each participant would pick specific scripture and share it with the group !!!

have a great day !!!
Reply:It's might sound silly but I am a college kid so I figured why not let you know what I think. There are so many parables and they can totally be related to our lives today. It can be really interesting to apply the stories to your real life and not in like dorky ways but like real hardcore life stuff. Thinking up a situation that has happened or sounds like it could happen and comparing it to a story in the bible can be eyeopening sometimes. I think its a nice way to remind you that the bible isn't just the word of God it's a big book full of advice too
Reply:Will of God... God's heart concerning missions... the role of a lay person when it comes to the great commision... Honoring Christ in a secular work force... MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC!!! (just don't kill eachother)
Reply:ask the students if there are subjects they would like to explore. Take the students for a nature walk and discus the beautiful land how the flood waters created hills...
Reply:go to

they have a program called fuel. look at the one that goes through the bible in two years. i have taught this two times and am on my third time now. it is very exiting and you learn what all of these stories mean in todays time frame. i have taught this to teenagers, through senior adults. you wont run out of ideas and it is biblical all the way. there are good videos and good study guides in the program. everything is printable and reusable.......
Reply:Yes its call the bible teach book you can get one at you local Kingdom hall for free.
Reply:Books written with womens names in the Bible, what was their signifcance, ie Ruth, Esther. Discuss the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom of God. What were the Questions that Jesus asked in the NT. Compare the differences in the two mountains.... Mount of Transfiguration ......Calvary's mountains. Discuss the seven different baptisms there is enough to about two years, write me when you need more
Reply:Teach a book of the Bible line by line. Here's a link that you can use:
Reply:I have tons.

The meaning of salvation in the OT vs in the NT

The meaning of sacrifice in the OT vs in the NT

The role of an apostle

The role of a prophet

Spiritual gifts - do they still happen today?

Suicide: a deadly (damnable) sin, or just plain rude?

Adam, Cain and Barabbas - the significance of crimes in the Bible

King David and parental authority

Wisdom Literature

Friends and companions of Paul


Form and function in Psalms

Slavery in the Bible vs Slavery in America

613 Mitzvot, 10 Commandments, 3 Great Commandments, 1 Messiah to fulfill them

I have more and can give you specific passages if you don't want to track them down yourself. You can email me through YA.
Reply:well I think that the best topic is the End's time,

please contact me at I also give Bible classes, let's talk.
Reply:living the cross centered life (use CJ Mahaney's book)

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