Thursday, April 15, 2010

People make fun of my friends and I when we do a bible study at school.....?

my friends and i decided that we need to talk with God more and so we began bringing our bibles to school and doing a bible study out in the grassy area. But people come up to us and make fun of us or be sarcastic about the whole thing. I know this is what God wants me to do , but what should I do about the kids who make fun of us?

People make fun of my friends and I when we do a bible study at school.....?
Ignore them!
Reply:You could try saying "I don't make fun of you, and I'd appreciate it if you don't make fun of me".

You could try going to a less public area; maybe a corner of the library, if it is open at lunch. Somebody or other told us not to pray on the streets, like the hypocrites do. It is in Matthew, chapter 6, verses 5, 6 and 7. I don't know if He meant Bible study too.

Basically anything you do, Bible study, wearing inexpensive clothes, getting an "A" in an exam, enjoying academic subjects, liking classical music or ballet, expressing an opinion that group "B" is just as worthy as group "A", even though the "B" group is a different color, size, shape, ethnic heritage . . . than the "A"s, is going to make the kids I used to call the "stupids" make fun of you, unless you are the tri-county shot put champ and are willing to pound a few of them into the ground like tent pegs. Learn to live with it. It gets a little better in college.
Reply:i have bible study to js tell them atleest ur goin to heaven
Reply:If you felt convicted to learn more about God than you should do so. Ask the people making fun of you to join. Maybe they are looking for that in. Its a test and you will pass it if you don't let satin in.
Reply:Invite them to join up.

Remember they used to KILL Christians. A little sarcasm is a small price to pay to learn more about the Creator of the Universe.

God bless.
Reply:If ignored most people give up, just do your studies and forget they are there.
Reply:Ignore them...if you're old enough to be on here you know that some people will find a way to pick on other people for any reason...change your behavior to prevent one person from doing so and sure enough, someone else will start! If someone wants to make fun of you, I guarantee they can find a reason...your clothes, your hair, the way you talk, the way you walk, the friends you doesn't matter...people that pick on others don't need a real reason, they can happily make one up!

If you go through life altering your behavior because of what other people say or do, you will not end up happy and productive. Would you go up to someone and make fun of them or be sarcastic if you saw them playing a particular game or wearing a particular kind of clothing? If so, then you shouldn't be surprised when it happens to you...and if not, then ask yourself why you care what someone like that thinks!

What should you do about these people...I say talk louder...invite them to join you...don't let them drown out the message you're sending just because they shout louder. Speak the truth in love and let God worry about them! If you really want to get them...try praying aloud for every one of them the moment they attack!...not praying for vengance but praying in love that God will reach them and bless them.
Reply:is this during the school day? if it is you could move it to after school.

otherwise, ignore them.

i think in one of the beatitudes says that blessed are those who are prosecuted because of me.

you're suffering will be rewarded
Reply:Ignore them what you believe is what u believe. If u cant find somewhere less open, maybe set up a club or outside of skl go 2 diff houses every week
Reply:Sadly, people are fools.

God's children will always be prosecuted for our love of the Heavenly Father.
Reply:hello friend

I am not a religious person any more...I have chosen a different path...very spirit filled/not religious..

That said: I did the same thing as you are doing when I was in school........but I found an empty class room during our break that I could use to read the bible and hold a little class of 4 or 5 Christian friends... You might feel more comfortable using an inside classroom for a while? See if you could ask a teacher if he/she could help you with this. My other suggestion is to remember that people will ridicule for any and every thing, so keep your head up....there is strength in numbers.......and as long as you are not infringing on other peoples belief systems, are not loud and boisterous, and the bible study makes you all feel good.....I think that you will either have to keep on truckin......or find a place after school to do this with your buds.......

good luck
Reply:pray that God forgives them for they do not know the wrong they are doing. Keep being strong in your faith! GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Reply:Bless them and pray for them, and don't hold contempt in your heart towards them. Remember that we are not at war with people (Eph. 6:12).
Reply:just remember that jesus was also made fun of smile at the people and invite them no matter how many times that you are refused invite invite invite, trust me they are watching you and once they start seeing that you are a happy person they willl be wanting what you have take that blanket off of your light and let it shine let it shine let is shine it will be like a moth going to a light keep up the good work
Reply:Look them straight in the eye and invite them to sit down with you during one of the sessions. Don't stop just becuase people do things like that.

Our school has a prayer time, which is like a bible study, where alot of people get together. Try to start something like that.
Reply:Do the unchristian thing and tell them to piss off. I'm serious too. You shouldn't be asking us this question. Stand up for yourself. Look, these atheists/nonbelievers whine all the time about privacy and peace and how their privacy and peace is being invaded and disrupted by religion, and here they are invading your privacy and disturbing your peace. That's total crap. You're entitled to privacy and peace too.
Reply:Stand firm, the right will win in the end. REmember you are not doing it to please them, but your Lord.
Reply:well those people are ignorant i have respect for you cuz you stick to what is right

i may be an atheist but i respect those that stand up for what they believe in and thats good
Reply:It is always difficult to alleviate oneself, materially, physically or spiritually. There are many hurdles and it is very very difficult to climb up. So if you are taken aback, just gather more energy and keep trying you will succeed in your missions.
Reply:i know this sounds like a cliche, but pray for them

then invite them to the Bible study when the make a remark

and lastly, dont give in and do some rude come-back
Reply:People make fun of others when they are intimidated or jealous. I think it's great that you are sticking to what you feel God is asking you to do. It's not easy to get through the whole of school without being made fun of or being picked on for something. I'd rather be picked on for doing a Bible study than anything else I can think of and who knows, through your boldness, how many others might start to seek God for themselves because your setting an example. Please don't shy away from this or bow to peer pressure. Always remember you are first called to glorify God and that is all that matters. If you are glorifying him, he will honour you. Ask him that he'd bring those who are making fun of you to join you in the Bible studies. What a powerful testimony that will be!
Reply:try to see why they would think like that and as you read the bible ask yourself constantly, does this make sense?
Reply:Just remember...

"Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious at the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good........delight thyself in the Lord, commit thy way unto Him, and He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the noonday. ...Fret not because ....of the man who brings wicked devices to pass,....for evildoers will be cut off, but they that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth..... The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him, for He sees his day coming." Psalm 37
Reply:That's actually a great idea and thumbs up for you and your friends now a days it's very hard to find young kids interested in what god guys keep doing what your doing because in the long run you nad your friends are the one's who benefit from it....

Take care kido' :) ;)
Reply:be kind to them. try to show them Christ's love in whatever you do. they will figure out that you have something great and wonderful that they don't have. you might even change one of their minds. the Bible tells you this would happen. keep strong in your faith!

in other words, "kill them with kindness." God bless!!
Reply:They might be making fun, because they don't know. Maybe asked them if they want to join. Some people don't know how to act around others, that are what some people call "church" types.

Or if it does not stop, as for a place in doors that you all can go. Maybe a class room, or something. But I would just ask the people why they make fun of you.
Reply:Take a lesson from your bible and forgive them. Then continue as if they aren't there. If they hang around, invite them to join you.

There is nothing a tease hates more than to be forgiven and offered welcome. If you don't react to bad behavior, most often it will just go away.

Bible studies were never of interest to me, but I truly believe that everyone has their own path to follow. By the way, I would have been one of the tormentors in high school.
Reply:Listen to them.
Reply:If a group of kids from your church decided to have an algebra study group between services, wouldn't you make fun of them as well?
Reply:nothing. The problem is yours. If you are not prepared to take abuse by others for standing up for your beliefs and applying them, then you are not ready to be doing this at school around those who disagree or oppose your views. Do it after school or find another solution
Reply:lol. you should join band instead. less stigma. lol.

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