Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why do people that don't believe in the bible study it?

I am not sure why people study the bible if they are so sure that is is a book of myths, or just a classic story? While I enjoy the classics and have read mythology, I don't really study, teach from them, or debate them.

Just curosity here, nothing mean intended.

Why do people that don't believe in the bible study it?
There are two vitally important rules in war:

Nosce Tipsum: Know Thyself.

Inimice Tipsum: Know Thy Enemy.

If you have followed these two rules, victory is assured, even if you must accept a lesser victory than you might have desired.
Reply:Why is it that a person much take the stories in the Bible literally in order to take it seriously. Taking the Scriptures literally is a new phenomenon in Biblical interpretation - even early interpreters and many of the early church fathers understood that there was allegory, myth, and symbol present in the Bible.

What if many of the Biblical authors didn't intend for their texts to be taken literally? Aren't some then distorting the author's intentions by taking literally?

Also, since we do not have access to the originals, and depend on copies of the originals, it makes it even more difficult to take the literalist approach to the text. There are thousands of different copies of the different books of the N.T. and O.T., and none of them agree, all of them are different in some way (sometimes even in major ways among the earliest copies). So, how can we even know what the original form of the text said? It is a difficult problem.

I both appreciate and respect the Biblical story. I've loved it all my life and find deep, meaningful theological truth woven into stories that, to me, are allegorical and mythical (in many cases) or exagerrated from what really happened.

Please don't think that all of those who don't take the Bible literally do not appreciate or respect it, because many of us non literalists do.
Reply:They think they are getting something out of it, but they are only getting things that suit their own purposes.

You can't really understand the Bible unless you are a Christian and have the Holy Spirit for a teacher.
Reply:Well i got tired of having the bible thrown in my face everytime i asked a question so i read. It only confirmed my idea that it is evil and that god cant exist
Reply:trying to find some kind of PROOF that it isn't true
Reply:Yes, but there are those(fundamentalist right) that believe the Bible is the absolute truth and to be taken literally. Moreso, they profess their views on anyone and/or everyone that sees different. Of course I'm talking about the extreme cases, with a few exceptions here and there.

The Bible as you are well aware contains many examples of atrocities, historical errors, factual errors, math errors, scientific errors, and contradictions.

However, ALL of the fundamentalists ignore or deny them. Moreso, it is said the Bible is taken "out of context", or "that's not the spirit of the word" or some unfathomable reason. The simple fact is they JUSTIFY whatever errors as a means of correction. I'd liken it to a child being caught in a lie and making quibbling excuses to cover it up.

I've also seen in this forum that some believe you cannot read and fully understand the Bible without being "blessed by the Holy Spirit". The implication of that statement is very clear.

The reader MUST be BIASED, because any interpretation that speaks differently is wrong and upsets them, or the reader NEEDS SOMEONE ELSE TO INTERPRET FOR THEM. On the latter, whether they are aware of it or not (I believe them aware), they position themselves between the reader and the truth. TRUTH IS PLAIN AND SIMPLE AND NEVER NEEDS INTERPRETATION. Save interpretation for parables, allegories, metaphors, poems and the like.

I've never appreciated, for someone to imply to another that they won't fully understand what they read on their own, and/or they need someone to interpret. That is quite condescending.
Reply:because they look for "loopholes" and "inaccuracies" in the Word of God. by thinking that they have found them, they can dump on us, who believe.

i studied evolution in depth (not just darwin) so that i could understand how someone could believe this claptrap. then i used my skills as a scientist to debunk the evolutionary theory.

there is also the saying that "the best lie, is based on fact". by knowing the bible, they can twist the words around and use scripture to confuse the reader, therefore enabling them to be lead astray.

Reply:Because there are many people who believe that Jesus' teachings were good, and they read it for that, and the wisdom of the old testament.
Reply:I would have to disagree. I would say that most people that don't believe in the Bible have never read it. At least not whole portions of it or from a study perspective.
Reply:Although some people don't believe in what it says, some enjoy the writings, and enjoy learning about what others believe. The better to poke fun at us who do I guess.
Reply:they study it so when they debate it they have knowledge of what they say and they can argue a point but im fine with it because who knows they might jus lead themselves 2 christ:)
Reply:I was raised catholic, but realized very early that it was impossible for there to be a god, so i abandoned god and never felt better. I studied the bible because i had to, but i have read it again as something i felt i should read, to educate myself, so i could understand the mind of a believer and what makes them tick. Its kind of like knowing my enemy. I feel all the evil in the world today exists because of religion, so i feel that i should know how a religious person thinks.
Reply:My guess is they are still searching for God. They may deny His existence, but maybe subconsciously there is a glimmer of hope there for them - the possibility that they may accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior at some point in their life. Perhaps the love and compassion shared by other Christians can help them find their way to the Lord.
Reply:People study it for the same reason they study many religions %26amp; also many subjects. To gain knowledge and to learn. To help them understand the world around them %26amp; the people that might think differently. To use their minds to help line up their heart with whatever they choose to believe, but one is always wise to understand that which they believe %26amp; to be able to support their beliefs, or lack thereof with intelligence and understanding.
Reply:They do it because there's something deep insdide their hearts telling them that the Bible is true, that God does exist.
Reply:Its fun.
Reply:They're reading it like any other religious or spiritual text; they're interested in the philosophy or sociology represented in the book. They don't feel the need to believe in it as their faith, but can enjoy interpreting it for themselves.
Reply:I read it because of the frequent allusions made to it in literature.
Reply:1. Most of them "studied" the Bible extensively before deciding it was fake, thus ending the study.

2. Some are very interested in the psychology of it all.

3. Some people are interested in religions in general, but do not follow Christianity.

4. Some felt they should at least give it a chance before openly calling it fake.

5. Some feel it is important to know your enemy, and to know your enemy's weaknesses. So they study the Bible to find them.
Reply:they don't...then say they do
Reply:I have studied many religons, only for the interesting history. I may not believe everything in the bible verbatum, but it is very interesting to go back and study what happened to Jesus, and his mother Mary. So basically, I do it for the history lesson.
Reply:Because it has proof of ancient worlds that are now found to be real. It explains about the lost day of human history and many other events that are now found to prove right. They merely use it to help them uncover worlds, feelings, hours and other studies.
Reply:I do it for the same reason I read the ancient writings of other cultures... they're interesting. But I don't have Pagans who are screaming at me telling me I better believe in their writings or I'll end up in Hades (yep, Hades is Greek Myth). When confronted on that level, it's good to know just what kind of ammo the other side is using... WHEN they approach me that way. There's a huge difference in Christianity and Islam compared to all of the other religions, (Judaism is included in "all of the other religions, because they do not proselytize nor threaten ppl in any way if someone doesn't believe as they do). Most ppl of other religions have no problem with what others believe... while certain Christians and Muslims get angry if someone doesn't agree... or calls the Bible or Koran a myth. So, we study it... usually to find out what truth there is to it... then, when we still don't put faith in the books themselves, we use them against the ppl who use it against us. *Judge not lest you be judged... and with the same measure you give out*... i think that sums it up pretty well.
Reply:Because regardless of its questionably origins, or questionable practices, it is still a major work of literature. It does not always have to be looked at as holy writ, or the final say. People tend to forget that the bible was written by Humans. Not some anthropomorphic omniscient, omnipresent being. ;)
Reply:Who told you that they study it? It is only in certain areas in the world where those who are schooling study it out of their will. I don't believe that those who don't believe it are really studying it.
Reply:These people are out to prove that the Bible is a lie. But you know what, God is Almighty God. Who was and is and is to come.

These unbelievers think they can convince themself that the Bible is a lie, but when they read the Word of God, God will reveal Himself to them and don't be surprised when you see these people converted.

God is good. Amen!
Reply:I have heard it said that Satan has an impeccable attendance record in church.
Reply:Good question :-)

I also think this behaviour is a bit "incoherent".

Well, those people look for intrinsic incoherences in the "bible".

Pro-"bible" and against-"bible": I only see people talking about "bible"...

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