I am preparing a bible study class that is starting in January about women and Love Addiction. At the risk of some risque answers, what are ways that one can use to not fall into this trap?
Teaching a bible study class?
One thing you can talk about is the dangers of "girl porn." No, this is not x-rated female pornography, that still fits under the category of "guy porn." Girl porn consists of romance novels and "chick flicks" or any other media that focus on a woman or the "perfect" relationship.
How is this porn? Look at guy porn for a moment. The appeal of guy porn is firstly, visual. Men are visual creatures and pornography feeds that need of visual stimulation. But a bunch of nude women doing nothing is very rare among pornographic media. You can see that at any art museum. On the contrary, what's more appealing about pornography is that guys can fantasize that the woman (or women) want nothing but to please the man. The women in porn movies are usually very vocal, submissive and willing to please no matter what. It makes it all about the guy. Even adult magazines have women in exotic locations and poses with the woman staring wantonly in the camera. It's the same idea of "I want you" that makes it so attractive to men. Basically, for the viewer of pornography, it's a form of idolatry or self-worship. They enjoy the idea of being the god of, so to speak, the subject of the porn.
Now, women have their own version of porn called "girl porn" or the romance novel or chick flick. While romance novels can get pretty steamy and I don't feel they need be addressed too much, most chick flicks are PG, so how can they be called porn? Unlike the predominantly visual man, women tend to be more emotionally intuitive. So, the romance novel and chick flick satisfy this emotional part, but that's not what's danerous about them. Because they satisfy the same desire men have in women, this desire to be admired and worshiped above all things by a man. This satisfies the same desire guy porn does for the women. Like guy porn, girl porn allows women to fantasize that the guy is willing to do anything and everything for his lady. He loves her more than life itself. He worships her. She is his goddess, so to speak. Just as guy porn makes it all about satisfying the all thedesires of the man, girl porn is all about satisfying all the the desires of the woman. Similar go guy porn, which doesn't show the consequences after the movie (broken relationships, guilt, possible std's or pregnancy, etc.), girl porn is supposedly "happily ever after" as well. They fall in love and everything goes swimmingly from then on, which is just as unrealistic as two beautiful women being attracted to Ron Jeremy.
What's so bad about being wanted? Let me answer with another question. Where does God fit into the traditional chick flick? The biblical idea of a relationship between man and women are not two people face to face, focused on eachother, it is a man and woman hand in hand, side by side, focused on God. The chick flick takes God out of the picture and guarantees to satisfy desires that can only be satisfied by a loving relationship with God.
Reply:This is an excellent site on love addiction:
Love addiction is any unhealthy attachment to people, euphoria, romance or sex in an attempt to get needs met. It is reliance on someone outside of ourselves to meet our unresolved needs, to avoid emotional pain, to solve problems, and to maintain balance.
One of the most romantic stories in the Bible is found in the book of Ruth. There is a book about Ruth and how the lessons of her love can be applied to every relationship, at every level of involvement, that you might like to purchase.
The best way to keep from falling into love addiction is to understand true Christian love. These texts are not about romantic love but if a person truly loves someone he or she should apply these Christian principles.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and 13:
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love
1 Thessalonians 4:9: Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other
1 John 3:18: Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
Since you are seeking resources so early, I am sure you will have a very successful class that will be a blessing to you and to your class members.
May God bless you.
Reply:Try this link:
Reply:only with God's grace, which I have apparently not obtained yet....if you know, I believe you could solve a world-wide epidemic. Any noble peace prize winners out there want to answer this one?
Reply:Women and Love Addiction--what exactly are you focusing on here? Women who are obsesse with marriage? What?
You want some ways not to fall into the trap of risque answers and questions?
Your subject is love. You can either avoid it altogether or just embrace the fact that you are going to have semi-pornographic questions. It's a part of life. Talking about sex isn't going to be anti-Bible.
Go into the Bible study with a clear mind. If someone asks a question, answer it. If you tell the person that her question makes you feel uncomfortable, you're going to make the whole class feel as though you aren't a very good teacher.
You know your class. You should know how to respond. Are they going to be able to discuss sex? Are they going to feel uncomfortable? I would approach this at the very state. Do NOT disallow such questions, but just ask everyone AS A WHOLE what they would prefer to do.
---Now that I know what you're talking about, I would suggest getting some books from your local Christian book store. While answers here will suffice, you need to read up more on this.
Reply:John 4:1-26
Reply:read the bible, its as simple as that
Reply:Our first love, Christ. Knowing His love and care and then following His ways for us keeps us from any trap.
Reply:what trap? teaching the class or love addiction
Reply:"Recently I've read the Bible. Nice, but the protagonist isn't much credible"... by Woody Allen.
Reply:Tell them that the 10,000,000 was a lie. It was fabricated. Just like 9/11 was staged by Bush and his administration...
Reply:by enpowering ourself and knowing that we are strong individuals who do not " need " love
not needing love does not mean we cant have love though
but when we learn to find strength in ourself and independance .... then when we do find love it is more beautiful
Reply:A good teacher does not shy from any risque question and always gives a the right answer. The trap you refer to is the one of the enemy hindering you from answering.
Just remember to pray first before all things, seek Gods wisdom, and allow his spirit to guide you.
God Bless you...
Reply:Teach them about evolution.
Reply:When it comes to God's word, the truth as stated in the bible should give the answers, neither your opinion, or anyone in your class's opinion should count. Search for the answers in the word itself, and if you can't answer immediately, tell them you will search in the bible, and come back with the appropriate answer. Its that simple.
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