Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am looking for a Christian bible study for a family night.?

I am looking for any ideas, or websites that would have bible study information for a family night with ages ranging from 9 years to 31 years.

I am looking for a Christian bible study for a family night.?
Here is a list of topics that you might try,16783,42...

hope this helps
Reply:try Discipleship Tape Ministeries they have a wealth of free tapes and cds for studying the Bible.
Reply:check the publishing company "word aflame press" they have lots of bible study tools
Reply:There is a Bible study aid called "what does the Bible really teach it breaks it down into several of the most frequently asked questions and where to find the answers in the Bible it is for all ages you can E-Mail me for more info and an outstanding web site I have used it with all my kids and grand kids Gorbalizer
Reply:9 is old enough to read the scriptures and with your explanations, understand them just fine. Pick your favorite story, read some verses and talk about it. Discuss what you would do in similar situations, or what happens today that seems just like that (in short apply it to your lives).

then if it's family night, play a game, and have a good snack - keep it fun.

best wishes
Reply:Go to the Faith home their have special time for that in Brixton is one.
Reply:actually i have the perfect place that references the bible for every answer given. not only does it clearly explain things but it also explains the questions that alot of people have about life in general all using biblical scripture

Both of these sites have bible studies, and extensive libraries with articles about spiritual topics
Reply:Why don;t you ask your pastor if they have a book or some guidelines? My kids and I just open the Bible (New Testament) and go with where we wind up. I have a Max Lucado Study Bible - it's awesome.
Reply:and parents wonder why their children no longer want to spend more time with their parents?
Reply:That sounds fun. What a pity I'm washing my hair that night.
Reply:This one is easy, down load christian music as I have and have an in-door picnic with music and mimies to act out much of our Lords teaching and have a crafting class make a lovely cover for a text-book on verses and give out to whom ever mimes the best in all persons, opinions or votes,, it is great time passed and good teaching on doning your best. Serve lemonade, and cookis from some other country which is sold from a nother christian Charity to help , for needs for others in the Faith.

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