Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Does anyone want to do bible study by email?

I want someone to do bible study with

Does anyone want to do bible study by email?
I study all the time.


Gen.1L3-31[41,870 Adam created + 130 end of day 6];

Gen.2:2,4[Heb.4:1-14; After Adam 130 + 6000 = 6130 in day 7];

Rev.20:1-6[last 1000 year day of day 7[6000 years world of

John 3:13-17; Jesus reign to resurrect all and restore all

to original perfection for God 1Cor.15:22-28];


1656 flood plus 427 to Abraham age 75 + Gen,15:13,16;

2083 covenant Exo.7:7; 12:41[430]; Moses age 80.

2513 half million covenant heirs with Moses.

40 years to heirs inherit lots in Promised Land.

2553 Jdgs.11:26[Jair,301 =]2854 + 89 = 2943-Jdgs.13:1;

2513 + 450 Acts 13:20; = 2963 - 2943 = 1Sam.7:2;

2943 + 16 Samuel, 70 David, 4 Solomon 1Ki.6:1;

480 =

3033 + 36 = 3069 Solomon dies 1Ki.11:42;

36 = 3069 Solomon dies 997 BCE.

3069 +

391 = 3460 Daniel's Prophecy in Babylon[2520].

3460 + [7x 360 = 2520 Dan,4:16,23,25,32[= 1914 CE];

2520 = after Babylon Michael/bible/Satan is down.

5980 = 1914 CE[ = 2520 = 5980 after Eden].

150 = Rev.9:1-5[5x 30= 150 years also Dan.12:12];

-----------Dan.12.12[2x 1335=] 2670 less 2520 = 150].

6130 years after Eden. Rev.20:1-6; 1000 year reign.

[Prophecy by Daniel and John is 1914 + 150 yrs].

3460 is end of Judah kings in Babylon. Rev.9:1-5;

Dan.8:12-14; 12:1-13[Rev.12:6,7-11,12,14,17...

[Prophecy of Michael = 150 years WORD to end].


1656 flood plus 427 to Abraham age 75 + Gen.15:13,16;

2083 covenant Exo.7:7; 12:41[430]; Moses age 80.

2513 half million covenant heirs with Moses.

40 years to heirs inherit lots in Promised Land.

2553 Jdgs.11:26[300? Judges last 390 years ];

480 [= 2993 this will omit this in Jdgs 13:1[40 years];

2993 [this will omit 450 Moses to Samuel Acts 13:20];

2993 + 36 = 3029 Solomon dies 997 BCE.

36 = 3029 1Ki.11:42[death of Solomon];

3029 [Solomon but in maximun bible time line David died].

390 = 3419[Daniel's Prophecy 4:16,23,25,32 = 2520];

3419 + 2520 after Babylon captivity, Judah kings ended.

2520 = 5939/40 = 1914 CE[= 150 future years as above].

5939/40 = [1914 + 1918 no established future years].

[Missing, Michael and WORD sown end time];
Reply:100+100+100+.........+100 Versions in Bible.. Report Abuse

Reply:I would possibly be interested in doing this. My email is beautifulblondie2004@yahoo.com
Reply:Well, I would like to but How??? Would we do it just the two of us or what?
Reply:I may be interested. What did you have in mind? Feel free to email me with details.
Reply:That sounds kinda cool, but it depends what denomination you are cause of the different beliefs.

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