Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bible study and Christians?

After 2000 years just what is there that you need to continue to study? I mean if you haven't figured it all out by now what makes you think that the continued study of your bible will bring you some new revelation? Seems like a waste of time to me.

Bible study and Christians?
I like your avatar, it's very biblical. I've been through 45 versions of the bible. The more your level of spirituality rises, the more you'll see revealed in the bible. Jesus said knowledge is the key.

(dragons=seraphim=angels in the OT,

seraphim=fiery-winged-serpents, Hebrew)
Reply:You're way off-base, it's not even funny. The reason why we continue to read and study the bible is to continue learning more and more about it. NO ONE can EVER learn all there is to know in the bible in a lifetime. Because we are human - not perfect and all-knowing like God, we cannot understand or know all there is to know about the bible. Christians continue to grow in the faith by reading and studying the bible, but we cannot learn and understand it all because, as I said, our minds are finite and our understanding is limited. Only God is all-knowing. Hope this answers your harsh, ignorant question.
Reply:Obviously you have never read the bible. It is extremely complex, inspiring, instructional, historical, and provides a guide to day to day living. It is food for the soul, and just as food is necessary for the body, the bible is necessary for the soul. It is sad you have this view, you are missing out on one of the basic elements of life. Without God you can never be truly happy.
Reply:I could understand how it may appear that way to someone who does not know God nor believe in Him. But, for those of us who do it is a never ending story of revelation after revelation. It is the breath of life being absorbed each time we apply ourselves to study it. The words take form bringing new insights and information. It is hard to explain how the bible seems to have the ability to reveal new things as you search for answers.
Reply:what i dont understand is how they study someone's interpretation of the bible instead of reading the history of the bible. most christians are not familiar with the canonization of the NT, with the number of deaths resulting from the holy crusades, or with the alleged changes to the text.
Reply:I have been a Christian for 35 years, and am constantly finding new things to study. Recently I have been introduced to apologetics and biblical history, which opens up a whole new realm of Christian learning. It gives the background for the scriptures, and provides logical reasoning behind much of what Christians believe. Many Christians today understand nothing of biblical history, or the society surrounding the culture of Jesus' day. The interpretation of the scripture can be greatly affected when we keep scripture within the context of the history and culture of the day.

To say there is nothing left to study is like telling an archeologist there is nothing left to discover about human history. There is so much you couldn't learn it all in a lifetime
Reply:You are right. There have been 2000 years of Biblical study (more for the OT) but since I have not been the one who made all these studies nor am I 2000 years old I must study the Church Fathers and Scripture so th at I may have a proper understanding of 2000 years of Christian Tradition and Scriptural revelation.
Reply:What sunshine and TTC said,

but also... I can read something, and maybe few months or a few years later read the same thing and it means something entirely different or new to my life situation, from where it was.

The Bible is not just a book, but the power of God. Please don't ever mock or take it lightly ( not saying you did), but it has empowered my life many times... and when you get together with others and hear their insights it is life-giving.
Reply:More study will show us the errors that man has made in translation. The translated Bible from the original language, tells us that man is not honest. Dishonesty makes the physical Church rich, and those who teach it...... Study to show thyself approved. Those who do this are taught by God.
Reply:You sound threatened.

Because of your stubborn and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath, when God's righteous judgement will be revealed. Romans 2:5.

For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether it be good oor bad. 2 Cor 5:10.

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. Matthew 25:46.

God does not want you to end up there! I pray that you will come to know the truth. Trust in the Savior today while you still have a chance.
Reply:That is because you don't know anything about the word of God. The bible has things in it that you can use in your every day life. It can make you wise and gives you knowledge and wisdom it can strengthen you bones and has power.

You should try reading it for it is a source of life .

Jesus loves you
Reply:I think there is a purpose to it - repeatedly trying to wrap their heads around the text while denying the contradictions and fallacies contained therein keeps them from having any time to think about the deeper issue of the fact that the idea of their God, or any God, is absurd.
Reply:Never. There is something new to learn each and everyday. God is good, he is love and I love him. He teaches me everyday, i never stop learning. And i gurantee i am not alone. Scolars have dedicated their lives to proving the bible wrong, only to have failed. I welcome you to seek him, it doesn't have to be today or tomorrow. Just keep it in your heart that Jesus Christ loves you.
Reply:In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and became flesh and dwelt among us.

That information comes from the first chapter of John. It explains why. Only the Holy Word of God invites us to partake of more than the written word, more than written information. Those who are called by Him understand, and those who do not understand will only have the hope of doing so by immersing themselves in His Word. I pray that you do, and it leads you to a deeper understanding of what Jesus said when he told us that man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word of the Living God.
Reply:It teaches us how God want us to be, having Faith in Jesus, have the Righteousness, and the plan of salvation...

If you can understand what the Bible tells us, you would no Judge those that beleive in the truth...

" Put on the Full Armor " " The Armor of God "

Ephesians 6:10-18 strong in the lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil's schemes "

1). The Helmet --------- of Salvation

2). The Shield ---------- of Faith

3). The Breastplate---- of Righteousness

4). The Belt-------------- of Truth

5). The Sword----------- of the Spirit

6). Gospel of Peace

Now you can see why people Reads the Bible, we learn what God has in the book it was design to teach us, Keys to Bible Symbols, Animals and their parts, Colors, Miscellaneous Objects, The time Prophecy of the Messiah, Metal, Elements, and Natural Objects.

Jesus Loves You.
Reply:There is more to the bible than the unsaved thinks. Also what about the new born again christian, they would need to study. Bible study is one of my favorite things to do.
Reply:You would think that after that many years it would not be on the best sellers list.....But God said His word will always be. and so matter what side your have to admit that it is....His word will never die....

Does that not make you wonder?
Reply:You know by now how I feel about the Bible as I have answered your questions previously...The reason they still study is because it keeps religious publishing houses in business...In other words there's a few $$$ to be made through "Bible Study". PEACE!
Reply:Who has personally been studying the Bible for 2000 years? None of us here are that old. If you consider it a waste of time, then take comfort that it is not your time I am wasting.
Reply:I have not lived for 2000 years.

I have only lived for 49 years.

it is the word of GOD for salvation for all that believe.

John 3:16-18

Romans 10:9-10
Reply:I have not had 2000 years to study the bible the more you read it the more you learn one life time is not enough to fully know God.
Reply:I haven't been around for two thousand years! A relationship with the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is a personal one.
Reply:bible book of Matthew 28: 19 - 20
Reply:Bible study has been rendered fruitless by the beneficial results of science.
Reply:A "waste of time" is an understatement.

The bible kills brain cells.

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