Monday, May 4, 2009

What's a Good Bible Study Guide to Use?

I am looking for a comprehensive study guide to help me with studying the Bible. I prefer something that groups the lessons by topics instead of by Books. I already have a read thru the Bible in one year guide so this is not what I am looking for.

What's a Good Bible Study Guide to Use?
Check out this website.

Also you may be looking for a devotional book. Devotionals are 99% of the time topical. Let me know you background (age, denomination) and I could give you some specific devotionals.
Reply:Dear concerned, the answer you are looking for, you will find in the "What does the Bible really teach?" Published by Watchtower Bible and tract society of Pennsylvania.Topics like : What is the truth about God? Where are the dead? Why does God allow suffering? are some of the 19 topics easily %26amp; clearly explained.

Let my know in what town %26amp; country you reside, %26amp; I will come back to you, with the contact details to obtain a copy of this publication.

Primary Teeth

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