Monday, May 4, 2009

If conservatives want more pray and bible study in schools?

Why don't they take there kids to Sunday School or are they too lazy to teach their kids at home?

If conservatives want more pray and bible study in schools?
I don't see why these rich conservatives can't just open a private school where they do that--I don't want my kids to go to a public school where they can't choose what faith to follow.
Reply:If muslims can have foot baths installed in schools so they can pray, christians should be allowed to pray without liberal intolerance. Remember, freedom of religion, not freedom as long as it is not christian.
Reply:I think they already do take them.
Reply:I went to a private Christian school. So on top of paying my tuition my parents also paid taxes which went to public schools.
Reply:I don't know many Christians who want Bible Study in schools as a curriculum or "organized" prayer...most are just afraid of having their rights trampled on, while some schools are teaching Islamic culture and Evolution, which is a religious belief (whether you like it or not)...we don't really like paying tax dollars to fund anti-Christian activities.
Reply:I don't think it should be taught, but if students want to organize prayer meetings, what's the big deal? No one is forced to attend, so I don't see how that could possibly be offensive.

Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom *from* religion.
Reply:Private Christian schools do not pay taxes just as religious institutions do not pay taxes. Locally schools are supported by local property taxes. Surely those who choose to send their children to any form of private school receive other benefits from paying taxes---roads, public health, environmental controls, military protection, etc.

They probably do take their children to Sunday School they want to brainwash your children at public expense!
Reply:Who is saying this? Again, are you inferring that only conservatives want God in their lives,and that liberals are all godless?

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